
Can we look forward to global cooling due to lack of sunspots?

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Looks like Al Gore may be terribly wrong.




  1. Very little is known about the affect of sunspots on global temperatures.

  2. Genesis 8:22

    While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

    Al Gore is a total NUT CASE!

  3. ahh i wish

    man if we dont start cleaning up are acts there wont be a planet to live on

    I live in fl.

    and the past 2 years winter has been in the 80s and 90s with a couple of days in the low 70s

    i know fl supposed to be hot

    but 10 years ago in the winter it was in the  high 50s

  4. the lack of sun spots isnt substantial enough to cause mass cooling

  5. We can never know for sure because of the sheer complexity of the earth's climate, but there has been a cooling trend for the last couple of years.

  6. Al Gore is so very wrong and it makes me really mad when he can put fear in the hearts and mind of the people ONLY to line his pockets.  Sell your JET STREAM, AL!!!

    p.s. Don't know the update on sunspots??  I will have to knowledge myself.

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