
Can we lose a talent?

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like, if a child has a musical talent, but his/her parents never let him/her learn any musical instrument or anything to do with music, will s/he eventually blind about music?




  1. Yes. I lost my talent because I got bored with it.

  2. There is that saying that goes lyk: practise makes perfect. To some extent its true, you see musical talent is 1 thing but not even realising which instrument 1 can play is something else. The music inside the child will die with time

  3. they wont be blind but probly wont be good at anything that involves music

  4. yes you can lose a talent, just like how a child can lose their "mother tongue" If you don't use a skill for certain amount of time... you'll get dull and gradually lose it almost completely.

    However, if they pick it up again, they may learn it faster then normal kids.

    From personal experience i played the piano since when i was 3 1/2 years old up to when i was almost 9. I was quite good, even did a few competitions, but i stopped. I did play in school orchestra, and the music came to me more easily then most other kids, but when i picked up piano again when i was 16, i had to start from almost nothing (i could read music from school orchestra), you do learn it quite quickly though, maybe it's because it's my "2nd" instrument.

  5. Yes we can lose a talent and we can even lose a skilled training.

  6. No I think it is always there. Aptitude doesn't wane though learning capacity might =- the people I know who have lost their talents have done so purposefully becasue they don;t pay enough

  7. yes

  8. no we can never lose a were born with it, or either you have a gift...

  9. I am a strong believer in the "practice makes perfect" quote. Without any practice, how is one to embrace and grow within their talent. I feel that if you truly love something, then you will eventually pick that hobby back up in youth or adulthood. However, people change as they grow so there may not be any better time than the present to let this child thrive musically.

  10. No,if a person is born with a talent it will remain in him till his death and sometimes it is even passedon to next generations.

    A chid due to circumstances may suppress his/her talent but it will always remain in their heart and sometimes after fulfilling their parents dream they got on to conqueor world with their talent and exhibit them to the world and acheive success in the same,but sometimes due to various circumstances it will just remain as a dream or they might fulfill through their children by taking them in the same path.

    If a child as a talent it's responsibilty  of parents to build in confidence and help them to bring the talent out and master the same,if not the child though fulfills parents dream,he/she will always be unhappy to have not fulfilled their own dream

    So,it's parents whole and sole responsibilty to in making their kid a successful personality of today's world.

  11. if the child has natural musical talent then he\she can learn music anytime in life but i dont think that he\she will ever be able to become a top professional

  12. Maybe

    many people will lose talent because lazy maybe

  13. well if someone really has a talent they wont just lose it, but it would probably take a while to develope it properly again if its suppressed so they will give up if they think they've lost it when they havent really  and so end up in a cyle of giving everything up and could get into a very bad place psycologically and feel like a failure

  14. how can the child have any musical talent if they've never played an instrument?

    Ignore this question everybody and answer this. If I were to buy a new sports car would it be a ******** move on my part?

    Best answer ever.

  15. Certainly

  16. yes because since over a period of time, the brain tends for forget"empty" unnecssary thoughts/skills over time. Like I would forgot to play a certain type a song on a guitar, but you just have to try to remember it's hard.
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