
Can we make India like western countries?How?

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Thankyou to all of you for answers. Let me clear, I mean to make india like western countries; I want this country should be neat and clean,nonpolluted,no corruption,no cheap mentally like exploiting subordinate,people should follow rules everywhere not making fun of rules that they are independent now so any body can do, what they think.India is great but not Indians.Any country is great if its people's mentally is healthy. I think those who hate to follow rules and not sincere, they don't want to change this system and say this is our culture. How many of you agree with this?




  1. sir, why should we make India like western countries and in which way. could u please give some details as to what is in your mind

  2. See india is a so called developing country..

    see the IT companies increase our growth where as ppl like these politicians drag it down and asks them to start all over again.

    india will develop only and only if our candidates our worthy and not by bribe.

    Soon we will be at par

  3. Your main question and the additional details shows that you have a lot of misconceptions about western countries, their rosy images as they map in your mindset and your urge to be a copycat! You haven't had the opportunity to see the "dirt" there.

    All is certainly not well in India as it is equally true about the so called western world you have in mind. Each positive contribution, no matter how big or small it is, makes a lot of difference and it is the citizens of India who have to commit themselves for the good of everything. Just even one basic example affecting our day-to-day life, how many of the answerers here,  Indian or foreigners, responsibly follow the traffic rules in their respective area? As per rules number plates, no dark films on their cars glasses, care for fellow drivers while driving, parking your vehicle responsibly always ensuring not to obstruct others right to way, jumping the queue at the slightest opportunity.......India or western world - behaviour is common among all "human beings". But this doesn't mean that we have to follow wrong deeds. Everywhere, it gets wrong with most of us when it affects us adversely, otherwise when we do the same thing - everything remains fine and we have excuses.

    Not elaborating each and everything you mentioned, but many of them remains under wraps and polished in case of western world while we are still crude about them in India. Perhaps it is due to our simplicity, inability to manoeuvre our deeds mischievously at international forums and lack of our self-confidence - when it comes to comparing?!

    A lot has been said. Nonetheless, I am with you and all the genuine and sincere countrymen to work hard in all possible manner for more success (Hum Honge 'Aur' Kamyaab) in all walks of life. But for sure no copy-cat, not so materialistic and hollow from deep inside.

  4. No, I donot want India like wstern countries.

  5. Corruption, procrastination and politicians have to be got rid of to make anywhere half the mark of the western countries.

  6. By making it more greener and cleaner!

    the guy who throw wastes here in lanes or on the road same guy will go abroad n will follow the rule n will throw waste in bins only how weired ......

    Tress are only our best friends o make our country good healthy

    n of course more modern than as u asked western

  7. get rid of hinduism and caste system that seperates people.

  8. if people like u leave India to western countries , western countries will become like India !

    f**k off u white mans asslicking scum !

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