
Can we make a pill that eliminates human waste before it begins?

by  |  earlier

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Kind of like a septic cleaner for the human intestines? Imagine never having to take a dump ever again... Well it's fun sometimes, but believe me, I'd trade every glorious c**p I ever took for the one day it came out when I didn't want it to...




  1. nope

    thats humanity, dont loose that

  2. A grate Idea! just to help those with digestive problems and time wasting. we really need  those eliminating pills.

  3. Yeah but what about all the stuff that you body absurd as your food went down your pipes through the body, like vitamins, nutrients, minerals and all that stuff?  A good dump means that you are healthy.  If you don't go you will get sick.

  4. No.  Can't be done.

    f***s is an incredibly complex combination of waste products.  And getting rid of it is pretty important.

  5. huh thats disgusting -.-

  6. no, don't see it happening.

  7. Yes, I've thought about it often. Imagine, instead of a pill,  being able to release your bodily wastes through the pores of your skin and instead of stinking it would attract the opposite s*x and be good for the skin too. Now why didn't God think of that?

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