
Can we make all the politicians go away?

by  |  earlier

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its all getting on my nerves. plus, i can't look at that smug behived wanna be 1950's mom anymore. let's have a little anarchy instead, what do you say?




  1. Her hair is perfect. You're just jealous because you wish you had something like that to hide your next babby in.  

  2. Eve, well put...only problem is that this generation has to pay for how much fun the 60's had.

  3. Politicians are the energy that make our government run. If you don't like them, work to make them better and more accountable!

  4. The time is now!!!!

  5. i say use your vote wisely then...there are other options besides the two clowns that are considered "front runners".

  6. Your ideas are so Queeferific. That lady does have a appeal to me, in a ruby red rouge trashy kind of way.

  7. Change to the food section.

  8. Making the politicians go away is a good start....then we can start working on making other types of people go away.  

  9. Wouldn't that be nice?  Bring back the 60s...s*x, pot, and rock n roll.

  10. i wish i had a magic potion to get rid of all of them, especially that "lady" who claims to be the perfect mom with her pregnant little girl.

  11. maybe you should vote for Lamp for president.

  12. I say if you don't like the way our democracy is done here, then you could always move to China..  

  13. Why can't we bring Reagan or JFK or Lincoln back to life, or even freaking Nixon for crying out loud.

    If that n**i-woman gets elected as VP, I am going to pull all my freaking fur out and poke myself in the eyes and mouth with giantnormous sausages.

    *cries and runs away*

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