
Can we make incandescent and compact fluorescent bulbs illegal and mandate the use of light emitting diodes?

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Can we make incandescent and compact fluorescent bulbs illegal and mandate the use of light emitting diodes?




  1. It's not feasible, LEDs aren't developed enough yet, so they're not cheap enough and good enough yet. Give it a few years, then propose that, and I'm sure people will.

    For now incandescent is phasing out, CFL in, only much later will CFL go out, and LED in.

  2. I suppose that if you are a law maker, you could, indeed, make such a law. Then everyone could walk around looking a blue light on the ground because the lights are too intense to look at.

    Problem with LED lighting is that it is not full spectrum lighting. Yeah, we give that up with most lighting, too, but to a lesser degree. LEDs make a blueish light

    LEDs are really hard on the eyes to look at yet do not effectively transmit their light over any real distance.

    LEDs are GREAT for traffic signals and auto signals as well as other visualization purposes. They just don't do a good job YET for residential lighting.

    Find another issue. They are working on mandating compact flourescent lighting, which is acceptable lighting, only making the user sacrifice cost and a second less than "instant on". It will also conserve energy significantly versus incandescent lighting.

  3. When it is a bit further along than they can start to get replaced.

  4. Yes, we can, but so many buildings and residences would be 'grandfathered' even if you did manage to get the legislation 'passed'.  Great idea, but hopeless in our present state of increasing corporate profits, aka 'greed'.

  5. we can, but by the time the fluros get popular LEDs will probably be getting cheaper, and making them obsolete.

  6. 1. LED's are _almost_ as efficient as fluorescent or sodium vapor, bot not good enough yet.

    2. LED's are made from poisonous material, including arsenic.

    3. The process of making LED's uses poisonous materials that degrade the environment: strong acids, organic solvents for the encapsulant etc.

    Let the market determine the lamp: make electricity cost proportional to the amount used. (There is currently a lower cost per unit for large users.) Why put another law on the books to enforce?

  7. Next goverment will be in our bedrooms as they all ready are. Too many "laws" ruins freedoms. Get with it tree huggers

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