
Can we married in this situation and In this age?

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I’m in love with a girl she is still at the university, and I’m work as a graphic designer

And i want to married with her, i don’t think about room or that stupid stuff

I want just to keep my feet and be with her,

I talk with her about this subject but i still wait for answer

I always pray and ask my god to guide me and bless

She is 19 years old and has a charming character

And I have 24 years old, I don’t see any negative thing in that

I ask her last time about is is possible to married in this age and in this situation?




  1. If your girlfriend hasn't answered you it is possible she just doesn't have an answer for you. Maybe she's thinking about it or maybe she just doesn't want to marry you and is hoping you'll drop the subject.

    Whether you "can" get married has nothing to do with whether she "wants" to get married. Character has nothing to do with anything here either. What is at stake is whether she wants to marry you now, later or even at all.

    The worst thing you can do is nag her about getting married. I would advise you to just back off and let her be. Nineteen is pretty young. You mention that you want to marry her but you say nothing about what she wants. Marriage is a commitment between two consenting adults, not something to be pushed into.

  2. you want to "keep your feet"?  huh?

    are you even dating her?  if you both want to get married, then do whatever you want.  she's young to get married, but whatever you do in your DO need to make sure that you have a place to live and stuff...

  3. No there's nothing wrong with that but mabye she hasn't answered you because she wants to finish college before she makes the committment. Just keep showing her a lot of love and affection, if the subject comes up and it feels right, go for it and propose! If not wait until she's done in school and ask her.

  4. Why are you asking us? If she says yes, you can get married. If she hasn't said yes, maybe she's not ready. Nineteen is very young to make such a big commitment. Why don't you let her know you'll be there for her and that she can take as much time as she needs to make up her mind.

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