
Can we move a mobile home onto this property?

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My parents have a very large lot with their home, and have offered that we could move a trailer onto the property if we end up selling our house, which is currently on the market. We are interested in the idea, but are wondering if we are allowed to do this. Where they live does not have zoning and allows trailers, however we didn't know about the legality of hooking our trailer up to the systems of their house - you know water, sewer, electric. We don't want to have a seperate sewer drilled or anything, because this will be temporary until we find another place to buy. How does something like this work? Also, they still pay a mortgage, and I'm not sure if that matters at all either. Any help would be appreciated!




  1. You will need to call your town and ask what they will allow.  Explain your situation, and they will let you know.  

  2. Their mortgage does not matter.  You are right to worry in advance about moving the mobile.  All it would take is for one neighbor to complain and the city would be out to inspect. Most lots are zoned for one dwelling.  That is so that 2 families are not using the sewer and garbage and water.No one wants to have a separate sewer line installed.  So everyone cheats and hopes that the neighbors don't complain.  But the real answer is that you are not supposed to move a 2nd home onto the lot unless the land is zoned for apartments.  I'm sure your land is not zoned for that. /

  3. If you don't have zoning I am assuming you are in a rural area.  If that is so you probably have a lagoon or your on septic.  Other than the system possibly not being large enough to handle the other home you probably won't have an issue.  You will either be on rural/city/township water or a well.  If it is a well it is no body's business what you do, if you are on rural etc water, as long as you hook onto the water on your side of the meter there shouldn't be a problem other than maybe water pressure.

    You will still want to check the deed to make sure there is no restriction on the deed.  Zoning laws and deed restrictions are two different issues.

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