
Can we now take the mickey out of Wales for relying too much on Stephen Jones? i.e. like England and Jonny!?

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Can we now take the mickey out of Wales for relying too much on Stephen Jones? i.e. like England and Jonny!?




  1. Funny how everyone on here slags off the england squad for playing the ace card (jw) but what about scotland they also rely on cris patterson  as ireland do with ronan o gara but hey lets not mention that because it easier to slag off england.

    Johnny wilko does alot more than kick.but ppl on here clearly just wish to slag him off no matter what,people should listen to what other players say about his game.And these people actually know what they are talking about

    All teams should play the game which suits them and i think its just a case of sour grapes from the normal twats on here who have nothing better to do than slag the english off.

    As for the stupid comments about boring might be boring but at least they are in the world cup and they are also the holders of the world cup.Yeah,not seen wales/scotland or ireland holding this tittle.Maybe these teams should play some so called boring rugby

    To the welsh who have hang ups about england.get over losing,i`m sure we will get beaten by australia but we dont get all bitter and twisted like the welsh.Sham we never got to play you again because the last time we met you got rumped so what does this tell you about the mighty or not so mighty wales!!!

  2. No i don't think so. England is a one man team.....Johnny Wilkinson should play football/ soccer. I guess the only exciting player they do have is Robinson.

    See what happens when they don't play him. They get a lovely egg against the Boks and that reflects a lot. They have been humiliated on the world stage.

    All NH teams play boring rugby.

  3. at least hes there

  4. NO!  Because then England fans will sound like everyone seems to think they are! Wales can play some great rugby, but they certainly do not rely on one player.

    England don't either, but they lack direction and quite frankly heart from the performances we have seen, whatever Lawrence Dallaglio says!

  5. no. I don't think they ever believed that they would win the WC - unlike England - nor have they ever relied on him to the extent that England needed Jonno.

  6. the only thing i know about stephen Jones is just  what i seen in the world cup,well dn't blame him their are 14 other players on the field ,why didnt anyone else put their hand up.Its not that you lack the players,you just lack a good plan.Maybe next time Wales,i know what its like to have your team knocked out.My Team the Allblacks are still in but my heart was with Samoa.

  7. nope. with or withou him i wouldnt see them qualifying.

  8. Unlike England, we do not rely on one player as we do not play a kicking game, we like to entertain and score tries!

    We certainly do not blame one player.........the whole of the Welsh team played below their expectations and it was diabolical the way the WRU sacked Gareth Jenkins!

    I have never been a fan of his, but he deserved a bit more respect than what he got!

    We have had 8 coaches in 10 years and the only consistency during this time has been the Admin staff at the WRU, the ones who hire and fire.............get these pen-pushers out and have a clean sweep before the public turn their backs on Welsh rugby and start supporting bog diving!

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