
Can we overcome hungerness by sleeping??

by  |  earlier

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i mean you might feel hungry and want to eat ......if you sleep instead ..... what happens to your state of mind...???




  1. It works for me sometimes but at other times i can wake up ravenous!, Try drinking a glass or two of water (other cold beverage) , sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger, hope this helps

  2. You're dieting, aren't you?

    Well, don't!

    Anyway, I once read a book which was fiction but there were a lot of real facts...

    When you sleep when you're hungry- you're brain sorts of goes in stand by mode- It's called R.E.M, It's this stage of sleep where your deep in sleep.

    You sleep and your hunger seems to go away.

    BUT when you wake up, you feel even more hungrier and can't control your hunger.

    This person that had gone on extreme dieting mode and slept late to overcome her hunger from breakfast.

    She turned anorexic.

    If you ARE dieting- then you better don't.

    (Hey- sorry if you're not!!!!)

  3. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger, so drink something :)

    As for your state of mind, it would work a couple of times, but in the long run you will just feel weak and will want to sleep all the time. Food contains more than energy, but everything else you need to keep your body going. Sleep doesn't contain this :P  

  4. Nothing really.

    You're getting your energy a different way

    Although you shouldn't do it alot of the time, I think it may effect you in the long term.

  5. NOt really.. eventually youll just get weaker and weaker.. your body needs to eat to function..


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