
Can we put an end to puppy farming? Please see-

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So many people are still buying from these dog 'supermarkets.' How can we re-educate people???




  1. well like only 1/5 ppl actually see these websites and hav yahoo so they dont realise they are  

  2. Not easily, that's for sure. Since I am not financially stable yet, I just have to use my big mouth for now. Anytime I am anywhere and someone happens to mention in my presence that they want to breed their dogs or are going to buy one from a pet store or breeder....they hear it. I tell them the statistics of homeless pets, how many are euthanized, the possible health problems, etc, etc, etc.

    I went back to school a few years ago and we had an assignment to do a "persuasive speech"; so my speech was to encourage people to adopt their next pet from a shelter rather than buy one. I started the speech with a completely heart-wrenching story about a little dog that was being euthanized for no other reason than, there are not enough homes. It described what was happening from start to the dog actually going to "sleep". (Oh god. Even thinking about it now is making me cry. I have NO idea how I held it together when I read it that day.) I then gave statistics and also my personal experience with my dog. And it worked! One of my classmates said that her children want to get a dog, and now, instead of buying one, she was going to take them to the shelter to adopt one.

    It's sad, but I think that to actually get through to people, you need to really upset them. Then they will start to care. They need to hear these heartbreaking stories of a sweet dog's last couple minutes of life. And see pictures of sad, neglected animals in a cage waiting to hopefully be adopted, but many times put to sleep (and even receiving the injection). A lot of people have the attitude that, "If I don't see it, it's not really happening." Give them no choice but to start paying attention.

    (God, I wrote a novel. Sorry, but dogs are my heart. Especially my baby:)

  3. I don't know.I didn't know that there was such a problem with puppy mills in Great Britain like there is in the U.S. The only way to stop it is to tell people not to buy from pet shops ,backyard breeders or flea markets -only buy from reputable,vet-recommended breeders and demand to see the kennels.If the dogs are in poor condition,or the breeders won't let a prospective buyer see the kennels or the parents,then don't buy a puppy.It 's so simple if people would just do it! Boycott these breeders and only buy from well-known,ethical breeders or adopt from shelters.

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