
Can we re-instate the British Empire in the medal tally?

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I am a little tired of hearing how well the Chinese are doing at the Olympics, so have come up with an innovative solution - reinstate the British Empire. On my new adjusted medal tally, I have combined the total of all countries that were at some point part of the British Empire:

Great Britain (obviously)

United States (admittedly some time ago)





New Zealand



This gives a grand total of 63 gold medals and puts us well ahead of China in the medal tally - hurrah for us! I see the re-instation of the British Empire as providing a number of additional benefits, including hopefully teaching the Americans good manners for the first time since 1776, annoying the French, putting the Chinese back in their box (they might even give us back Hong Kong!) and eliminating the folly of an independent New Zealand, which should really be a state of Australia anyway.

What do you think of my plan?




  1. Not bad, but the nation which should be "swallowing up" the others is clearly the US as it's the sole hyperpower in the world.

    Basically, any western nation is part of the US Empire, which is clearly winning the medal count.

    And who cares if China wins more Gold or more total medals.  They have the home court advantage.  All the host nations do well in the olympics.  The US does great regardless of where the Olympics are held.  Hence, the US athletes are the best in the world.

  2. Interesting theory although I think you're missing quite a few countries off that list. There a more countries that compete in the Commonwealth games than you have included.

    Also New Zealand isn't's still part of the monarchy. Not that it means much anymore...just a technicality.

  3. i think perhaps a few too many illegal substances have entered your system.  maybe a better plan to restore the correct  order of things would be to make all eligible athletes register for the olympics 1 year in advance and be   drug tested at least once a month for the year leading into to the games! miss a test,  don't compete! no unregistered athletes would be allowed, regardless of how good they had become. maybe the chinese and the very suspicious British cycling squad would be bought back to the field .  

  4. Jolly good idea! Pip pip tallyho old chap!

  5. You forgot South Africa (oh but wait! although its richer than Zim, its nowhere near Zim when it comes to medals)

  6. yeah think the US should adopt great britain we would teach you the wonders of modern dentistry, the beauty of other sports besides soccer mean football as you call it, and the splendor of sunlight actually touching your skin.

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