
Can we really afford a President like Obama, when our ally Georgia is at war with Russia?

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Can we really afford a President like Obama, when our ally Georgia is at war with Russia?




  1. We can't afford a anti war liberal prez at a time like this it start with georgia but if Russia get away with this whos next....we need a strong leader Obama hasn't even said anything about it at least McCain is speaking out we need a strong leader liek McCAin in these troubling times....

  2. I know, I'm getting scared.  I'm in North Carolina and Georgia is right under me.

  3. No!!!

  4. Internationally (with the exception of Iraq) Obama wouldn't be too bad. This whole situation is none of our business. Georgia started it and Russia will finish it.

  5. Yes, Obama knows world geography, but McCain was asking if Atlanta might be burned in that war.

  6. Our current president is doing absolutely nothing. Note how this happened under his watch, because all our troops and resources are bogged down in Iraq.  

  7. Osetian Proletariat must use the Georgian people`s  opposition to Saakashvili to ferment unrest in Georgia.Remember the lessons of Lenin!

    ", Mikhail Saakashvili is facing much the same display of popular discontent himself. His reaction was harsher than the treatment he received at the hands of Eduard Shevardnadze, the man he deposed. Riot police have tear-gassed demonstrators, beaten with them with truncheons, attacked them with rubber bullets and water cannons. Journalists have been beaten up, two television stations taken off the air and a state of emergency has been imposed. The Rose revolution appears to be shedding its petals".

    The best allie Osetia has is Georgian Proletariat.A blend of military actions, nation wide strikes,and sabotage will oust Saakashvili , a tyranic ruler , a sold out puppet of US Imperialism.

    "Georgian workers! , Dont kill or die for the sake of the traitor and sell out pro-imperialist Government of Georgia!"

    "Georgian Soldier!Turn your weapons against those officers that obey the orders of the new" Georgian Capitalist class" !

    Your flag is the flag of Proletariat, the Red Flag!

    Long live Working Class Internationalism!

    For Proletariat´s Dictatorship !

    Now that there is a world recession looming!

    Now that Imperialism is stuck in the Iraqi Quagmire!

    Now that food´s price is skyrocketing!

    Now that the enemy is weak!

    Now that there are bank runs in the powers of the World!

    Now that world`s Bourgeoisie is split and confused!

    Print the flyiers! Comrades!


    Sarah G is a troll for the Obama canpaign. I would suggest you block them . Check their profile and you will see every answer they give is the same and is promoting Obama's web site

  9. Yes, we can afford it.

    When did Georgia suddenly become this glorious ally?  What do they do for us?  This situation will resolve itself fairly soon.

  10. We could continue down the same path and watch our nation slip from a recession into a depression under McBush.  I prefer a chance at a normal nation for my kids so I'll stick with Obama.  

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