
Can we really help polar bears ?

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I got an email saying, I can help...

of course giving money, is there any other options ?

like using less electricity... or i dunno...




  1. YES but have no power yet>......................

  2. do not use their fur on lavish clothing.

  3. Well, using less electricity and shrinking our "carbon footprint" all help battle global warming, which does help polar bears, but it's not all direct.

    Here! I've just the thing for you.

    It's a petition to put them on the endangered species list, which will get them specific attention.

    It takes like two seconds to sign.


  4. i think you can. Well......If u are in a animal rescue team. Yah. But also you can care for the environment and thats how all the nice environment goes to the polar bears and then theres nothing wrong.But its good. To care for them!

  5. do you know how sad and disheartening the situation is the polar more and more ice sheets melt into the seas and oceans there have been a large number of polar bears which have DROWNED in search of land.....PLEASE watch the movie The Inconvinient Truth it is a fantastic movie about global warming and it will clear all your doubts or myths about global warming...

  6. We may not be able to see how we can help polar bears directly, especially when we may live close to the Artic region, but using less electricity and fossil fuels can reduce the amount of emissions that contribute to global warming.

    It will not reverse the melting of the ice but it can slow it down. Optimistically speaking, polar bears may be able to adapt and somehow survive. (According to NatGeo, they are already coming on land and practicing hunting techniques similar to grizzly bears because their homes of ice are being destroyed). The more people that "go green" and practice fuel-saving strategies, such as installing solar panels on buildings and using hybrid cars, the better the chance is of this species surviving.

  7. u alone can do nothin. nothin at all. all of us need to contribute. reducing the usage of vehicles and other such things can help reduce global warming which in turn would save the lives of those beautiful but poor n helpless animals

  8. Yes we can. We just need to reduce, reuse and recycle,save water and other resources, prevent pollution by keeping the environment clean,segregate the trash properly and try to use environmental stuff. This will help reduce the effects of global warming on the ice caps that the polar bears need in order to survive.

  9. Too late now...they're being left out in the cold.

  10. I believe by becoming aware of using non-renewable energy resources and doing whatever you can to use them less, will help the environment, which will help the polar bears.  This means not driving cars unless necessary (take buses, ride bikes, walk), reusing materials instead of buying new, recycle whenever you can, turn off lights and water as soon as your done using them, are a few things that would help a lot.  If everyone did everything we could to help it would turn things around faster for the bears and for us.  

    Telling people about your concerns will help to make other people aware also and that is a huge help!  If they ridicule you, remember change takes time with some people, but they'll eventually get it.  

    Thank you for your concern and help!

  11. Yes, we really can help the polar bears to stay free and increase its total population instead of facing the problem of leading to extinction. We must educate every world citizen about the followings.

    1) The least use in electricity (particularly for the two power generating stations in Hong Kong  using fossil fuel) to keep the environment clean.

    2) The polar bears live on seal and fish hunt up in the arctic. How those seals and fish are survived by eating those small living particles under the ice cold water. As the warm air keep on rising, many ice caps are keep on melting and make those small living things reduced by warmer climate. This caused less seals and fishes available as food for polar bears.

    3) We should try to keep our environment clean starting from our own home or our community. Don't drive the big cars, try to take as much as public transportation services as possible. Don't think about to buy a new car unless it is necessary. Try car pool to work and back home after work. Walk all short distance trips by feet or bicycles.

    4) Try to use less plastic bags, use the reusable bag instead.

    Money is only a minor contribution, action is the best effort to save the population of the polar bears. Keep the arctic cold enough to keep those smallest living things is plenty to feed the seals, whales, and other ice water species. This simply because the foods keep those bears survive in the arctic circle.

  12. yes we can ,by reduicing pollution. as pollution leads to global warmingthen if you try your best to stop pollution then it will be the best on your side

  13. In order to really help polar bears, a large majority of the people in the world will have to change their patterns of consumption to reduce our negative impact on the environment. You can decrease your contribution to global warming by using less electricity, driving less, using public transportation more, using less paper, using less disposable goods, reusing products, and supporting locally produced goods.

    We can also help by breeding them in zoos and learning more about them, but that is really a short term solution.

  14. Heres a great way to help the polar bears:

    Round up all the politicians who won't legislate laws to help protect our earth and feed them to the bears. WIN-WIN!

  15. Everybody, living 'more sensibly', would help greatly...!!

  16. we can help, stop global warming!

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