
Can we really more than speculate on how the earths rocks were formed?

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At a party I was talking to a geology Lecturer. He joked about the very idea of people in igneous geography having any firm or realistic idea about what happened thousands of years ago miles beneath the earth's crust.Do people like Ken Ham or Richard Dawkins lack an essential humility, and are their beliefs a little absurd?Is intelligent Design a more honest-humble concept???




  1. No, there beliefs are not absurd, and they are not being arrogant. They are simply stating what scientific instruments and observation are telling us. Some people just don't want to believe what science is presenting to us.

    The instruments used in measuring and  the techniques used in interpreting the huge amount of evidence gathered over many years by unbiased scientists are proven beyond doubt. They use the same science that produces electricity, mobile phones, x-ray machines, cars, televisions, aeroplanes and so on .

    We do not know in detail what happened in the past , in history you never can, but we have a pretty good idea of the outline. Once intelligent design is introduced, you can forget science which requires facts and theories which are capable of being proved not to be true. How can you prove that a religious belief is not true?

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