
Can we really trust the media?

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Can we really trust the media?




  1. I don't.  Everything is sensationalized.  They only report the bad news, doom and gloom.

    Even nice guys are treated badly in the media.

    Don't buy the newspapers, don't watch the news.

    Think for yourself and make informed choices.

  2. To a limited extent.  I think if they outright lie or fudge the facts they will get exposed, and they know that.  But more and more it seems the media is getting away from its original mission of stating the news, and is instead delivering news as entertainment in order to make more money.  In this era opinions are often thrown around as if they were facts, and polemics are on every corner.  

    Cable news networks are particularly bad.  Back in the 90s I used to watch CNN.  Now I can't tolerate even a minute of it.  Why the h**l did they put Glen Beck on the air?  And don't get me started on Fox News - I remember once watching when they had four correspondents in four different locations.  Were they reporting anything?  No, they were each giving their personal reactions to some politician's recent speech, and interestingly they all had the exact same opinion.

  3. They only want to see newpapers and ads.....

  4. Sure.

    Why not?

    Like what is treachery?

    Look in the real world.

    "Mirror ! Mirror ! on the wall.

    Who is the treacherous of them all?

    In short-changing, conning and deceiving own little children and children of all tribes of different community in kicking them all on the butts with their self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories on tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant with 30% equity rights on everything in life off the land being included as cheap-skate ghostly constituition and ghostly laws from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom being passed off as religion?

    Leviticus 4.13,22

    In oppressing with slavery in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.

    Eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom as cheap-skate glorry on success of National identity in kicking them all on the butts with self lack of knowledge.

    Matt 22.32

    With the rise of idol of graven image "I believe I can fly" and idols of statues all over the land in public places as cheap-skate glorry of success of National identity and landmarks glaring under the sun, moon and stars even on cloudy and rainy days too as success and glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in no longer worshiping God.

    Exodus 20.1-7

    With the rise of children of the pink panther with self image of standing idol as "Proud Mary" as living dolls all over the land in schools, in places of higher learning, at work,at home, in public places and social lives too in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Leviticus 26.1

    Self exposing themselves as children of a Rudeness tribe with cheap-skate ghostly stories on tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant.

    Luke 3.7-9

    Exposing unruly behaviour, with self prides, self rudeness, self image of standing idol, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge with total loss of IQ without being aware of it.

    After being born and raised by the dead Mummy - Father of a rudeness tribe.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    As cheap-skate glory and success of National Identity as tribe of a Rudeness tribe in making a monkey out of themselves with self lack of knowledge in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    John 8.44

    Getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in messing up someone else graveyards with self lack of knowledge.

    Matt 23.27

    While other were at loss and blurr on who were the treacherous of them all among tribes of different community in own backyards.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  5. No, we can only trust in ourselves to decide the whole story by research and fact.

  6. This is personal choice.

    Personally I watch several different news channels every day. I take what I hear and see lightly. If a topic gets my attention I will go to the web and look it up, reading from several different places, as well as peoples blogs etc..

    Big media are bought and paid for. If the owner of whatever media outlet wants someone as president, that person will get more air time, only good air time, and negativity will not be aired, written about. All bought and paid for......same with political issues of all kinds.

    This is where little, or big independent media sources come into play.  These maybe labeled as "trouble makers" on and on but typically will give there view without worrying about political correctness, the popular opinion etc.. both sides of a issue needs to be looked at, not just one.

    Regardless where you choose to receive your information from, it is up to you to trust whomever.

    The US government  does not deserve my trust. Lying is what they specialize in.

  7. nope nope nope, deffinatly not

  8. No Way! They only report the things they want you to know/think.

  9. Not at all.

  10. No, the media sucks. They only show the bad things happening and its depressing, because there are some really good things happening too. They do whatever they can to get a good story and attention.

  11. long story short no

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