
Can we rename ESPN as the official station of Brett Favre? I hate this...?

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Can we rename ESPN as the official station of Brett Favre? I hate this...?




  1. I am so tired of Brett Favre. He needs to do away and never come back.

  2. Quit your whining and go back to watching Americas next top model.

  3. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Brett favre took a dump at 11:36 pm, is this a sign of him retiring. Here to report is senior writer Paul Jackson. Paul what is goin on.

        "well bill it seems that espn is making a huge deal out of brett favre and now i have recieved information that Brett will be taking the Browns to the Superbowl!!!"

    <get it?>

  4. Like I tell everyone who keeps asking these Questions about Favre, its only going to get worse when he signs with the New York Jets!

  5. It's better then the continuous reading of the wrap sheets of all the felons in the NFL. All Right, it's not that much better, but I was getting tired of hearing about the Bengals and the Cincinati Police all the time, or even Pacman Jones...

  6. this year he is still the packers best chance!

  7. Red Sox,Yankees,and Brett Favre...Thats all ESPN likes to talk about...The Packers need to just trade Favre already or he just needs to stay retired because it's driving me crazy hearing about that.

  8. I'm as big of a Favre fan as the next guy but i'm sick of the "Favre Saga" myself. If you live in wisconsin, that is all the local news has been talking about. you can' beat it.

  9. thats all they talk bout and nobody even cares!!!!

  10. Yes, I'm so sick of hearing about Brett Favre. I hope they trade his butt all ready so I can stop hearing about his FEELINGS getting hurt, the wimp!

  11. I personally am waiting for the Packers to actually trade Favre to the Red Sox or the Yankees.

    Would be a Sportscenter producer's ultimate dream.

  12. I am a big Brett Favre fan & I am tired of all the news about him & I heard his story got more publicity in Wisconsin than the Brewers vs Cubs series. No more Brett stories

  13. I know! lolz! Lol the first thing they reported was "Brett Favre has not sent a form to the NFL commisioner." They start talking about it for the 20 freaking minutes then they finally show the baseball highlights!

  14. Favre watches too much ESPN himself, and can't stand it when it's not all about him.  I hope Green Bay sticks to their stance and doesn't play him, but doesn't cut him either.

  15. we can rename ESPN as the official station of a lot of things

    for example;

    -Brett Favre (which i didn't know how to pronounce for soo long until all these sports program began saying his name..)

    -The East (in general)

    -Talks too much, egotistical, not funny at all, announcers

    what say you?

  16. I agree w/ u.  That is getting old.  Another thing that makes me sick is that ESPN is BoSOX biased.

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