
Can we save the world?

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We look around us and it seems everything we cherish and hold dear is starting to look irrelevant in the eyes of others. Can we get rid of nuclear weapons? Can we regenerate the environment? Can we stop the abuse of the young and elderly, the weak and the poor? Can we promise true equal rights for all? Can we stop each other from killing ourselves? Can we halt inequality? Can we keep self-interest and the status quo to a minimum? What do you think? IF EVERYONE opened their eyes, do you think we can save the world? How else can we face God if we don't do these things?




  1. We probably could...if we weren't human!  The world is fallen and there will always be things wrong with it and us, thats how its always been.  We can't force others to do these things, but we can do it ourselves and hope that they see the point someday.  All we can do is our best in God's strength.  Of course we can face God, not because we've been perfect, as that could never be true, but because of what he did.

  2. Good point if every body in the world tried it would work but if only a few tried maybe or maybe not

  3. What you're asking for is an ideal world. And an ideal world is impossible because we aren't ideal. If we were, we wouldn't be human. All we can do is give our best. That's it.

  4. The problem is we are all different and have different ideals. What is a perfect world to you is h**l to someone else. As to saving the world, it will be here long after we are all gone and forgotten. If you can just do your part to be the best person you can, you have fulfilled your best destiny.

  5. OK, there is no one to face but yourself, not god. And ask yourself this, can we stop being human? Can we stop having self-interests? And an even better question, is what you think you hold dear really that important? Oh and by the way, what you are proposing is called communism and we've tried that. It doesn't work because there is no moving forward, and that is bad as we have learned.
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