
Can we say, that, the B777-200 LR is in fact the same aeroplane as the B777-300 ER (same dimensions etc), ....

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..... but can just fly longer?

(so has just more place for fuel, and less for passengers)?




  1. No, the -300ER has a longer body.  The wing is very similar though, so the -200LR can fly farther.

  2. Yeah the same planes except for longer wings and more auxillary fuel tanks to carry more fuel which gives it the longer range.

  3. The -300ER is 33 feet longer and thats a big difference even in the airliners standards. The other major difference is the powerplants installed. The LR's MTOW is 4 tonnes lesser than the ER.

    So same family but different airplanes.

  4. The 777-300ER has a longer fuselage than the 777-200LR, so the dimensions aren't the same.  

    But other than that, the 777-300ER is for carrying many passengers over long distances, the 777-200LR is for carrying fewer passengers over even longer distances.

  5. The -300ER is much longer than the -200LR and has a distinctive swept back "wing end" (located on the usual "wing tip" part, although I know it has no wing tips) on its wings. It is also Boeing's competitor to Airbus' A340-600, which is currently the longest passenger aircraft.

  6. The planes can't be the same, if they were Boeing wouldn't give them two different names.

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