
Can we see our brains through our eyes??

by  |  earlier

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someone told me that the reason why a doctor shines a light into our eyes during medical checkup, it is to see if there's anything wrong with our brains.

Being incredibly curious, I've Googled about this and have not found any article that confirms this.

So, can we really see our brains through our eyes? Could anyone help confirm this?




  1. It's possible to use a light and a lens to observe the optic nerve in the back of the eye. While not your brain, it is connected and if the optic nerve is swollen in both eyes there's reason to suspect that the brain is swollen too.

    But mostly, they're checking your pupillary light reflex or looking for blood clots in the eye. The're not directly looking at your brain.

  2. LOL no. they shine a light into your eyes to see if your pupil's retract..The pupil is the opening in the center of the iris.  The size of the pupil determines the amount of light that enters the eye.  The pupil size is controlled by the dilator and sphincter muscles of the iris.  Doctors often evaluate the reaction of pupils to light to determine a person's neurological function.

  3. LMFAO!   h**l no!

  4. not at all they just try to see how sensitive our pupil is and does it function well that is does it contract when light falls on it

    but let me tell u our eyes are the only part of visible part of our brain outside the skull

  5. Nope.

    He makes sure that your eyes are responding properly to changes in light and that there is no damage to the interiors of you eye.

    Well, eyes are only an input device. If you had a hyper accurate mri and some recognition software, then you would be able to map someones brain with the images displayed to the eyes...

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