
Can we see our future?

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Can we see our future?




  1. No.... and nobody else can see it for you.  

  2. no we can just imagine

  3. No. we use 10% of our brain or less, we would need much more than that to predict our future.

  4. NO surely not !! Future is in no one's hand. It all depends on GOD or rather you yourself.

  5. that would be cool

  6. if u think it is going to .........


    it could be or not

    depend upon u

    there is no future

    u make it as u move forward in life

  7. If you can work out the probabilities, you can see your futures.

  8. yes u can see wen u acheive ur goals..! if u hav a desire to acheive u can see ur future..! nothing but burning desire shuld b their 4u...!  

  9. During second world war one person Called PETER HERKOS fell from the fourth floor of a building which he was painting.This happened in Netherlands. Suddenly he fell from there and got injured seriously and was hospitalized for a long time.When he came back to consciousness he found to his utter amazement that he could 'see' other people's past and future. He moved to US where many research studies were conducted on him. I think he still lives.

    There are many cases similar to him and this is called ESP (Extra sensory perception). Scientists have found out that only about  5% of our brain's activities and do not have any idea about the other 95 percent of the brains activities. Some aborigines of Australia have the capacity to smell and find out whether they will get rain and have a very accuracy in predicting rain.

    So may be we have the capacity to see future but are not conscious/aware of that.

  10. its possible yes.

    depends if God wants you to see something. ( you know like in a dream or something)

    ive had dreams of places ive never been before, then on a trip or something ill see it. like a store in a mall or a building, or a street.

    I did that with palm springs (lol) ive had dreams of streets in palm springs and then on a ball trip we'll be driving down the rode and im freaking out. its really a weird and eerie feeling.  

  11. Of course not or I wouldn't have clicked on your question hoping for an interesting anecdote.  

  12. Theoretically yes! But practically no! Because you can not know all the probabilities or possibilities of causes effecting your furture. After all every thing in the universe is governed by cause and action. If you can see most of the probabilities, you can assume the results. For example, if you have learned hard, you increase the probability and can see the possibility (future) of getting good marks. But lot depends upon the mood and expectations of examiner also on which you do not have any control.  

  13. no, u can imagine it, or just predict it

  14. no..............future not for look but to go through
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