
Can we shoot fireworks on a public beach in Toronto?

by Guest58685  |  earlier

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Can we shoot fireworks on a public beach in Toronto?




  1. Definitely not, you could be arrested and charged.  Far too dangerous.

  2. no you cant

  3. don't think so...

  4. Even if you could, I wouldn't recommend it.  My grandmother was burned at a July 4 fireworks show due to someone nearby shooting off their own fireworks.  She had her first heart attack a few days later and a fatal heart attack seven months later.  Her doctor partially attributed the first heart attack to the stress of the fireworks incident.  She may not have been long for this world, but those fireworks may have taken her from us sooner than we deserved.

    Since that day 29 years ago, I have not attended a holiday fireworks show simply to avoid people who think they can do a better job than the hired professionals would.

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