
Can we stop Global Warming?

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or are we too late?also,i hear on TV all these advertisers for a safer and cleaner planet like,cars that run on water,bio-diesel,and this knew car from Honda that runs 100% on water,yet were still losing the fight on Global Warming,and we havnt done anything dramtaic to stop Global Warming,what is the government doing??.and to make thing worse,the Government expects that by this summer,that the entire ice in the North Pole will be gone.




  1. We can't STOP it but we can surely slow it down.

    Truthfully though, I don't believe in global warming. I'm just answering without my opinion but with what scientists say...

  2. O yes we can do it. If we stopping to use petrol and will use something different. like electric, water ( i heard that it possible ).

  3. No, we are not tooo late, but it can not be stopped. The only way it can be stoppped is if EVERY PERSON IN THE WORLD did everything in an eco (earthfriendly manner. Lets face it, the whole world isn't gonna do it.

  4. Don't Read This

    I know a gentalman who has 123 technologies to help. Google Jim Starry and you will see his airport design and you will see that people like him have answers not just more problems and there are soloutions to the climate problem better known as global warming just with jets they use all kinds of fuel to land take off and other things no longer is an aircraft dependent on the way the wind blows being a pilot myself I know this it is through thrust and thrust alone we fly an average jet airliner uses 600 gal. of fuel to land in thrust reversal and 4 times as much in take off so through a simple desgin we can reduse airplane emissions by half easy. we still operate under 1945 FAA rules like dumping fuel into the ocean before landing and other stupid rules because someone said so well open our eyes and see we as a group can make a diffrence

  5. We can't stop global warming the climate will continue to get warmer no matter what we do or don't do. and then it will get cooler no matter what we do or don't do. The climate runs in cycles and always has and always will. In fact I remember back in the seventies the "experts" were saying another ice age was on the way.

  6. NO we cant stop it but we can stop it.

    we would be able to stop it if every person deiced this year that they would only use green products and no pollute things then we may stop global warming!

  7. probably not even if we try. cuz it already started and we can NOT stop it!

  8. I personally think that it is too late the efect has already appen and you cannot stop nature form taking its cours3e what r they gonna do now ?

  9. We could.

    But some stupid people don't believe in Global Warming so they just keep wasting things and don't really are cause their to "Special". (Well thats what they think)

  10. As of now we can't stop it.  But we can slow it down.

    Yes, that Honda car does run on Hydrogen Cell which just emits water, BUT I don't think it's out yet.  They are only available in California because they used to have the worst pollution.  

    But they are still testing it because you know the problem with hydrogen if it gets enough pressure on the tank, it blows up.  So yeah...

    The government is not doing $h!t...they just want to make money and be the most powerful country.  As long as they are making money from the oil, they are happy but we are not.  They know WE have to have gas.  They know we will have to pay the prices for gas.  So either way, we are screwed.

    But there are will things us average people can do to save energy!  Every little bit helps.

    And by the way...I just showed that article.  But hey, who least more and more people will get the word out.  That's all that matters!

  11. We should all promote cleaner tachnology. We should all take care of the only planet we have. We should all encourage greater efficiency and conservation when possible.

    However, we can't stop the warming of the globe. Thirty years ago, they were talking about stopping the globe from cooling. Thirty years from today, I think you will still have your environmental fear mongering that will try to convince people that the world is getting colder and we need to do something about it. It is a cycle, obviously we are going to experience warming when we are coming off a cooling trend and we will experience cooling when we are coming off a warming trend. This wouldn't be the first time the ice in the North Pole has melted. There are vast reserves of oil and natural gas under the ice up there, this indicates there was an abundance of life there before. I'm sure humans weren't around to cause that. I remember seeing an article about a year ago, scientists discovered an animal that was like a cross between a fish and an alligator off the coast of northern Canada. It made headlines because they think it to be a link between the evolution of sea animals to land animals.  It was a tropical species that lived there. It must have been pretty nice.

    The answer to your question: no we can't stop, solve, reverse, create, control or enhance global warming. The earth will warm when it wants and it will cool when it wants. We can not control that. We don't even understand the changes in climate and to say that we can solve it is foolish and absurd.

    If global warming is going to continue to occur, is it so bad? I would rather live on a planet that is 3 degrees warmer than 3 degrees cooler. If we stop global warming, what do we get, global cooling.... Get the point, life is more diverse and abundant when the earth is warm as opposed to when it is cold. You would think environmentalist would be pushing for more warming. Wouldn't that be better for life? Don't more species die off during cold periods? You get the point, even if we could solve it, isn't global warming better than the alternatives? I would much rather live during a warming trend than a cooling one, how about you?

  12. We're too late. We were too late the moment power plants, cars and other polluting  products were introduced into this world.

    Yes, earth has it's cycles, but we've help contributed to it's warming effect to a potentially fatal extent. The earth will eventually, 'clean itself' of the pollution, but the real question is will humanity still be alive by then or will we be extinct?

    We cannot stop what is coming, all we can do now is prepare for it, and get ready to fight for our survival.

    I suggest you learn some agricultural ways such as growing your own food, hunting/fishing, and finding groundwater, this can be very essential.

    Recycle as much as you can, even if it's a candy rapper, just recycle it. If you have food wastes, make a composte site (I don't think I spelled it right) and bury your leftover food (bones, old fruits, nuts, etc) Don't waste water, try to use a bike instead of a car to get around.

    We could and must find different ways to be energy-efficent and eco-friendly so that we can at least try and survive through GW. It'll be very difficult, but it can be done.

    Continuing our ways, the planet will heat up, and perhaps humans could live through it (very uncomfortably however) but other living things such as plants and animals, will most likely become extinct. It'll be massive extinction.

    In other words, people, if the heat itself doesn't kill us, starvation will.

    Our government is doing little to nothing to approach this issue THE WAY IT NEEDS TO BE HANDLED. Things they're saying  like, 'we're going to have Greenhouse gases cut by whatever percent by 2030' needs to be done sooner and not later because we can't afford to wait that long. Nobody can.

  13. I'm sure if we ask the elves or wizards they can tell us how since Global Warming is as Mythological as they are.

  14. No, we can't because humans are not causing it.

  15. We can't stop it coz to do that we have to stop all kind of production that involves heat like burning metal to make steel and other or plastics or just anything ... and if we just stop using our vehicles it can really make a big difference to the atmosphere. coz by today on an average every adult have a car of his own or a two wheeler and if all of the people of world stop using it 60% of co2 will be gone.

    Thus global warming will be slowed down but still not stopped.

  16. we can,but only if everyone is helping to stop it. too few ppl are trying to stop it and a number of ppl don't beleive it's ral. some ppl just don't care!

  17. Yes,we can.The earth is heating up.We all should try to increase the green trees area, try to stop polluted gases,& similar steps be taken.Start today, we are still not late.

  18. We can slow it down and so we should.

  19. We can stop it. All we have to do is move the Earth a little farther away from the Sun.

  20. We can, but the human race is too selfish so we wont.

  21. No.  We can't.  And we shouldn't.  And here's why we can't and why we shouldn't:

    Global warming is caused by CO2 in the air.

    CO2 production is proportional to energy usage - the more energy we use, the more CO2 we release.

    Therefore, if we use ANY energy, we release CO2.

    No car will run on water.  In practice, no car ever has.  In practice, none ever will.  Cars can run on hydrogen, which produces water as a "waste" product.  And hydrogen is sourced from... you guessed it! Methane, a fossil fuel.  "Making" the hydrogen gas involves stripping the H of the carbon in the methane, then throwing the carbon into the air as CO2.  This increases atmospheric CO2.

    Some may say hydro, solar, geothermal, etc....  Well surprise!  We don't have the resources to make enough power from those sources!  Every valley is already dammed and flooded.  In the US, in Southern California, we don't even have enough power to keep our air conditioners running, and in CA we get our power from natural gas (methane).  So expanding our power availability would require MORE CO2 to be released.

    We are going to lose the fight on global warming if our public does not educate itself against the fiction of our own naive passions.

    Our lifestyles will have to change.  In what way?  We will need to re-zone all our towns and cities around public transportation.  As our cities hold our jobs (commercial zoning), and our suburbs hold our population (residential zoning), there is no way for our populace to live and work in the same place.  And there is no efficient way to connect our suburbs with our cities.  Our current setup was intended to be used with single passenger cars.  Only a replacement of our physical infrastructure will change anything in the long run.

    And, honestly, why should we stop?  If we release all the carbon into the air we will eventually run low on oil/coal and have to go nuclear.  Problem solved.  Not a pleasant situation, but doable.

    Releasing CO2 is how humans have done it for 100 years.  If we stop, we won't have tractors, or cars, or ships.  We won't have food, as food it relies on transportation.

    Why don't we switch to electric cars, buses and trucks?  Well, where is the power supposed to come from?  Magic?  A car uses 10 times the energy of a home.  If we are having power outages WITHOUT electric cars, how are we supposed to keep our lights on WITH electric cars?

    And cars use 10 TIMES THE POWER of a home!  That means we need to build 10 more natural gas power plants next to each existing one.  10 coal powered plants next to each one.  10 nuclear plants next to each one.  10 new dams and reservoirs next to each one (which isn't even possible, as there aren't enough valleys).  And that's just for CURRENT demand.

    So I recommend we all get used to global warming.  Turning back means starvation.  And if global warming leads to starvation (which it probably does):  Which would you rather experience:

    A.  Starve today.

    B.  Eat today, starve tomorrow.

    Everyone should be picking B.

  22. Global warming is happening, though only by a very slight inclination.  We didn't do anything to cause it, and we can't do anything to stop it, if the current trend continues.  Nature is far more powerful than mankind...

  23. Can you stop the earth move. NO it's the process that goes with millions of years but we are unlucky in that age of the beginning of global warming.. so all we can do is to live our lives. Global warming will be the process with or without prevent of the human force.

  24. Global warming is way its real

  25. slowly we are and da thang is, oil companies arnt stoppin fo sum d**n reason. i mean i wanna live my future in all but ay we doin da best we can. umm sum told me dat trees like da carbon c**p dat comes out of da car and it makes em grow taller, but i really dont want any party of miami or florida underwater. umm but u kno just pray that soon we will speed up in da next 10 years since it took bout 5 years just to come up with many ways to stop it and it shouldnt take much times to start it when people just dont have any more money fo gass so yeah just w8 for a couple years.

  26. I wouldn't worry that much about it...if Global Warming were really true then St. Louis, MO would not have had just about the looooongest and coldest winter ever....FINALLY we are having hot weather and I absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!

    If you truly listen to scientists ...these are but rumours.  The earth always goes through cycles of changes every billion years or so...nothing to get your underwear all in a bunch over!

  27. no its not too late. A small change in life style can turn the world back to the way it was. recycle, walk more often, conserve electricity, but this will only work if everyone contributes but most uneducated Americans believe global warming is a natural cycle the Earth is going through and don't care about the world there children live in.

  28. Quick, everyone leave your icebox open, we'll cool this sucker off in no time.

  29. The hottest year on record was ten years ago in 1998.  That is the year global warming stopped by itself.  The years since then have been cooler, so...why all the fuss?

  30. there r a few things dat can b done to slow it down, like u should never keep the bulbs and tubelights and other electrical gadgets working when not in use...u can plant more trees...i dunt realy know all of them........yeah it cld b true dat we'll hv to bid farewell to the whole north pole  by this summer..lets hope for best!!!

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