
Can we stop reservation quota in education system, if caste system is ablosihed or stopped permanently .

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can we stop reservation quota in education system, if caste system is ablosihed or stopped permanently .and equal oppurtunity is given for all the people in every field ( education, jobs, sports, cultural, politics, cinema, media, government and private sectors)




  1. As it is impossible now to remove reservation at all, it will be more appropriate to provide reservation to each and every community or sect based on all types of social or religious aspects. As everybody has the right to avail the fruits of independence. Some objections are raised not to consider reservation on the basis or religion. There are religious minorities and small communities. Consdering on religious grounds is also democracy as we want to provide reservation to each and every citizen of India.

  2. Well it will take decades to do this so, to stop all this we have to see there is economic equality. Everyone has what they want. The political leadres shoudn't be power hungry, no bribery, no sacam. To abolish caste system, it doubtful...because it can be seen among the rich and the oliticians even now. If they don't change nothings gonna change. No equal opputunity willbe seen because in India one thiong can be seen, power hunger, greed for wealth and greed for fame.

  3. even i used 2 think abt it.....

    but tis caste system cannot b demolished....

    if tis happens many political issues will they wont demolish it...

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