
Can we strike a balance between economic growth and climate change?

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is there any good websites that i can get answers or information for this question. thank you.




  1. Yes until we conquered the oil fields in the east we will have a better future.

  2. Climate change can be the biggest wealth and job generator ever seen. Is it not a question of "striking a balance", it can be a huge growth industry.

    a) Changing the way companies deal with pollution, has been shown to be able to be done at a PROFIT to the company.

    b) Set up a website where everyone can submit ideas on how to reduce pollution at a profit. Examples of this has been the recycling of water by large companies, reclaiming of chemicals from pollution, cheaper transport methods, etc.

    c) A huge number of companies would start up to deal with the ideas produced to deal with pollution.

    d) Stop food waste, reduce and recycle rubbish (large amounts of methane can be collected as fuel, products can be made such as building sheets etc).

    There is a fortune to be made out of better management of the products we use, better lifestyles, better health (hugely reduce health costs) and the list goes on.

    Don't let politicians tell you it would cost money - it is just the opposite!


  3. Drill for oil and use some of the money to pay for solar panels on everyones houses. Areas where the sun is shinning would power those areas where it is not. You also have battery backups to store energy from sunny days.

  4. You can't strike a balance with brainwashed cult members.

  5. This is exactly what most developed countries* are trying to do. These pro-active countries are taking advantage of the economic growth (including creation of high-paying jobs), technological innovation and productivity improvements that come from responding to the challenges of climate change.

    At the same time, these countries have recognised the reality of climate change and are investing in the large-scale infrastructures (flood barriers, floating houses, tree planting esp. on coasts, sea walls, emergency response systems, etc) needed when, not if, worsening climate conditions hit them.

    They are also the countries most likely to promote self-sufficiency in energy that includes investing in alternate energy sources while cutting back on per capita consumptions - this leads to significant cost savings hence contributes to economic growth.

    Take a look at the exchange rate of the € to the $ over the past year - gives an idea of where things are going.

    As for websites, this is hard: There are many policies designed to strike this balance - the issue of climate change is so complex that there is not one single solution. That said, try some of the links below for more info and examples.

    *with the notable exception of the USA but Australia, Canada and the UK are also lagging behind.

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