My husband is finishing his Master's of Science degree in Engineering. His advisor has ignored him all summer even though he's supposed to be helping him with his research. Tuition was paid and no services were rendered (the professor is tenured also). The school offered to convert his degree to a Master's of Engineering rather than the Master's of Science. He had to pay for 2 more credits and submit his thesis as an independent study report. Because my husband is starting a doctoral program in the fall, he's going for the ME deal. As a wife, I fully support my husband's decisions, but we can't let the professor get away with this!!!! I spent many nights going to bed alone because my husband was slaving away on his thesis. My question is, can we sue for services not rendered on the tuition that was already paid? My concern is that the "deal" this university has offered is a way of sweeping this incident under the rug. This is not an isolated incident either...there are several other graduate students who have been screwed out of graduating this summer semester. This affects those who are moving on to doctoral studies and even employment? Thoughts? Suggestions?