
Can we survive longer if the world was only filled with oceans?

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  1. Who is we?

    If there was no land there would be no land animals or plants.

  2. I guess not.

    I`m not a fish, quite like a lot of other people i know :)

  3. Umm no we can't live on fish we would die.

  4. i am a water creature already.



  5. only if we grew gills and breathed water.

  6. I don't think so. Unless you know how to breathe underwater?

  7. Easily.

    You just need a 60' trimaran and a pair of gills behind your ears

  8. Our survival depends on what we can do on the land not in the ocean. We mostly use the materials we gather on the land to live by. The ocean would not be able to support very many people, but I suppose a few would survice, so the pivotal word in the question is "we" and if that is Mankind, the answer is with great difficulty a very few might survive.  

  9. No, because we can't breathe underwater. We aren't fish just like that second person said.

    If you have submarines you could survive but, not for much longer because you could run out of fresh water. Most water on the Earth is salt water.

  10. no because then there is less land to live on.

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