
Can we take 3 months baby with to the cinema?

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We have been through A LOT as a couple, and we are desperate for a date to relax a bit, we have no family in the UK and we can't trust anyone yet to babysit our first and special baby, so i was wondering if we can take him with us to the cinema, of course i will do my best to take him there while he asleep and relaxed ,if he needs my attention at some point i am willing to take him out, i have no problem with that.

My question is how would you feel taking your baby to the cinema and are we allowed access with babies ?

Thanks in advance




  1. I really wouldn't take a baby to cinema. As already mentioned, it's not fair on other people if your baby starts crying - even if you are willing to take him out, the film has already been disrupted and people may have missed an important bit.  

    It's not just about other people though.  Babies have sensitive ears and cinemas can be very, very loud.  I am an adult and don't like cinema because I have sensitive ears and find it too loud.  At least I can get up and leave if it's uncomfortable.

    I understand that you need to have a special day and that you don't/can't leave the baby with anyone.  Couldn't you do something else though? A walk along the beach or through the woods, perhaps.  If you can afford a meal in a family restaurant afterwards, that would really top the day off well.  If your finances don't stretch that far, then prepare a meal the day before that you can heat up at the end of the day. Light some candles and use any time baby's asleep to cuddle and canoodle with your hubby.  

    Also remember that a few good hugs everyday helps anyone get through their difficulties.  So after you have had a special day, don't let it end there. Use any excuse for a cuddle, a snog ;-), and a chance to remind each other how you feel about one another.

  2. If you have an odeon cinema near you then they do special days & times for people with young children & babies. Just click on to odeon & look for the "newbies" section. Hope you enjoy your date & baby too.

  3. No, don't bring him to the movies.  It's not fair to the other patrons when your baby starts to cry and fuss during the movie.  

  4. I used to work in a cinema and it's fine for you to take your little one in to a film, however it can only be a "u" or "pg" rated film, you'll be turned away for anything rated higher then that.

    I took my son to see a film when he was a baby, we went to a showing of a winnie the pooh movie that had been out for a while, the screen was pretty empty so there was no risk of him disrupting everyone. We also made sure he was fed before going (you can be asked to leave if you try breast feeding in the screen, despite it not being illegal or anything) and had a clean nappy, in the end he slept through it.

    It's your baby and if you feel it's suitable to take him then that is your choice, just be prepared to have to leave the screening should he get upset.

    have fun.

  5. I thought the purpose of the date was a break from the baby.  If you take the baby then you definitely won't be relaxing.  Are you planning on holding the baby the whole time?  Are you going to keep it in a carrier?  If so then where will you put it?  

  6. It's fine as far as exposure to health issues go, but the movies are very loud. But I can't say I'd be overly impressed seeing a newborn in a movie theatre, especially if it became fussy. It's social suicide.  

    Why not get dressed up and rent movies and have a date night at home where you're comfortable.

    But if you're not ready to trust him with anyone then you're going to have ongoing problems there.

    Try not to become those mothers who develop this annoying sense of entitlement just because you have had your first baby, as it will backfire on you as an overworked mother.I am not at all being catty here, I am offering sound advice.

  7. you can as long as your baby sits quietly but if it starts crying or making a load of noise you will be asked to leave

  8. As long as you can keep your baby from disrupting others such as it crying then I don't see a problem with bringing your baby.

  9. If I had no one to watch my newborn, I too would be itching for a night out. But do you really feel the need to go to the movies?  There are many other things y'all could do for fun instead.  Go to the park, museum, dinner.....The movies are just so loud for an infant, even if he sleeps the whole time.  And if he doesn't, you'll probably be more miserable that you went out than if you stayed in.  I'd wait on this until you do find a suitable sitter.  Until then, try to think of other fun things you can do to relax.

  10. It's not good for babies at 3 months to be exposed to sudden volume such the cinema. You can chose to go to a cinema that is from the car, where you can adjust the volume..and feel comfortable at all times with a baby. Always look for alternatives till baby grows. He is your priority  :)

  11. odeon cinemas do special screenings that babies are allowed in to. as far as i know, they play the film a little quieter so, as a normal showing would be way too loud for sensitive little ears! plus, if your baby starts screaming, it doesnt matter, cause everyone elses baby could scream at any time too!

  12. Don't think there is a law to stop you taking your baby. But if your assuming your baby will sleep all through the movie it may be a bad idea. The cinema is very loud and if you say you will take your baby out if it starts crying you can be sure you will be not see the movie because there's a good chance it wont settle through the movie.

    There are a lot of other things that would be better to do.

  13. Some cinemas do mother and baby screenings, good luck!

  14. you are allowed to take your baby in with you but i personally dont think id take mine in (3 months also) just for the fact if she did crack it i would probably get quite upset with every ones judging eyes on me. I'm not sure about the UK I'm in OZ and we have 'baby in arms' movie days were you can take you bub with you. I know how you feel though its so very hard to have couple time with a little one. Maybe since your not totally comfortable with someone to care for your child that you dont know if you did find someone you liked maybe you could have them watch bub while you and your husband were at home. I know it sounds a bit odd but they could look after baby in nursery, you could rent a movie, make some dinner, have a bottle of wine. All the time knowing you bubs ok but having some time out. This way you could also get your confidence up with the sitter and in time you would feel happy to go out for a night while baby is at home with them. I really hope this helps and good luck with everything.

  15. I'm not sure it's the best idea - it's incredibly loud in there and would only take an on-screen 'explosion' to set your baby off then that'd probably upset all the other movie-goers. Plus you could never relax and enjoy the film if baby's awake, which he's most likely to be under those circumstances.

    Why not look into a babysitting agency? Then you know you're getting experienced, qualified staff who have been police checked etc. You'll get very stressed and upset if you never learn to leave him with other people, and he will too. It's better for both of you to have some occasional time off and your baby deserves a relaxed, stress-free mummy.

    good luck.

  16. I had massive problems with getting my 3 month old son to sleep.  He would just lie awake and cry for hours, then when he finally went to sleep he would wake every hour or two hours through the night and cry again!  Talk about pulling our hair out .... we were absolutely desperate for sleep!

    It was a baby sleep audio program recommended by a friend that finally saved us. We followed the advice and began by creating a baby sleep routine which included bathtime, dimming of the lights, putting Paul into his crib, final nappy change and then lullabies. We also made recommended changes to his naps during the day and used some of the other recommended techniques. Within two weeks he was sleeping through the night most nights with just the odd night where he would just wake once!

    Definitely start by creating a good baby sleep routine though and you could find that solves most of your baby sleep problems.

    Good luck!

    If you want to take a look, the audio program is at

  17. Yes its fine. You can take your baby to a normal screening, just try and do it around his normal nap time. Take him in his car seat and sit him on the seat next to you. We took our daughter to the cinema at about 3 months and she slept right through. Go to a film that has been out for a while, first thing in the morning on a weekday so the cinema will be almost empty anyway.

    Oh and you would never be asked to leave just because baby cries.  

  18. For you own sake I would say no.  What you want is something relaxing that you and your partner can enjoy.

    I can see you now in the cinema constantly fretting that your baby is going to waken up!  Every time the baby makes a sound you will be trying to settle them back down because you don't want them to disturb the other people.  I don't even know if you would be allowed to but in my opinion you should go for a meal or something.  You wont fret if your baby wakens up, makes noises or even cries.  I wouldn't want to go through that stress.  There is so many things you and your partner can do for time together with your baby (sleeping hopefully lol).

    If your both free in the Mornings Odeon do have Mother and Baby screenings its called 'Newbies' and its for mums and dads to go with the baby and watch a movie.  Check out there website cause if you do really want to see a movie that's what you want to go to cause all the people there have babies :) Good luck.  

  19. Why not just watch a film at home? It's not going to be very relaxing for you if you've got to balance looking after your little boy and trying to watch the film and it will be much easier if you stay at home. It can be just as nice and romantic if you curl up on the sofa and watch a DVD or video. Another suggestion would be to take him to a baby screening (like the ones they have at the Odeon) but that might not be very enjoyable for you as you won't be watching an adult film. I would imagine you can only take him to Us, PGs or 12As (but you're obviously not going to take him to a high rated film anyway). If you're desperate to go though, take him to a baby screening where he can possibly enjoy the film too.

  20. what if he starts crying really loud and cant sleep because of the noise. I dont think theres a law against it unless your watching a 15 rated film, he's under age lol.

  21. As long as he/she doesn't start crying I can't see a problem. Apparently my mother took me at three months to see Gone With The Wind and I slept the whole way through....and that's a long film

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