
Can we take a breather and just laugh at ourselves?

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Who else has dragged their own or some neighbor kid to a child's movie for the sake of pretending we were there for the child? Answered "what are you eating?" with "Liver" because it's the last piece of chocolate cake and she may want the rest? Or bought a Christmas toy that they never asked for but it looks so cool to play with?

What else have you done as a selfish, selfish parent? :)




  1. ummm

  2. GUILTY  lol i have always been like this but wouldnt admit it to anyone i know lol   like the 5-600 bday parties we do every year sure they r just for my sons benefit lol it just so happens we have the coolest bday parties i mean he does out of the 3 grandkids who have bdays a week apart  :)

    and like going to the waterpark and camping cuz he has never been  ummmm neither have i lol  but yeah it was all for my son lol

    and yes the crazy frog mp3 player he got for his bday that is in my purse 24/7 i listen to cuz he dont lol  

    i think we have all been there......btw my son just turned 4 in july

  3. I upload songs to my daughters iPod constantly. she is always telling me to get my own, but actually, hers IS mine (she just doesn't know it).

    My husband got them a Wii and a load of games and he rents new games, all the time.... *for the girls*- yeah right.

    The other I do a lot is "let's go hiking!" It's sooo fun." But really i just want some exercises.

  4. The toy thing - EVERY DAY!! hehe!! I am Christmas shopping at the moment, and buying what I like ;)

    I was eating the last piece of mudcake tonight, and found myself hiding in our pantry - I wanted that cake so much.

    I have taken a child to the movies because I wanted to see it. Peter Pan, and I dragged my nieces along. I paid for their ticket, so does that make me even.

    I tell my kids about Santa, Easter Bunny & the Tooth Fairy, because secretly I want to believe again.

    It really was me that woke the kids up the other night, playing with their toys. In my defence, we never had stuff like that when I was a kid.

    When asked what I was doing, I lied. I really was soaking in the bath, not doing the washing.

    When I told my kids we couldn't go to the *Farm Park* because it was closed, I lied. I really couldn't see the sense of taking them AGAIN when the first time they told me, * Mummy that cow is like ours, Mummy that sheep is like ours*

    Selfish, I know. But what they don't know won't hurt them :D

    A jacuzzi.... Hmmmm. My boys defiantly need one. Even if they are all under 5.

  5. Yeah, we do the toy thing a lot.  If we see something that looks fun, we buy it for our daughter lol.

  6. Well, this year my son turned 1 and I really really wanted him to see the beach and play in the sand/water for the first time. Really. It was all for him...

  7. The movie

    toy....not me

    But the chocolate thing...GUILTY!!  I do it.  I say it's something they don't like.  I don't wanna share!  (whiny voice)

  8. I always take my sister (8yo) to the cinema so I can see the animated films and what not, and my husband says I am a big kid *rolls eyes*! I did however drag him to see Kung Fu Panda hehe.

    I order my sisters presents with me in mind, scary that!

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