
Can we trust North Korea to keep it's word on not producing nuclear weapons?

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I'm a bit surprised by Bush's capitulation to an Axis of Evil member, especially since they have repeatedly shown that they cannot be trusted.

The 'cooling tower' that was demo'ed is only one aspect of a 1.5 mile long, by 1 mile wide nuclear testing facility in North Korea (easily identified on Google earth).

Seems to me that they could have produced all the uranium they needed for weapons and are destroying the tower just for show.

Your opinion?




  1. we'll have to see what happens. the end of the world 2012...


  2. +

    not really...that dynamiting of the reactor was a show...they have underground facilities that they aren't destroying...

  3. yes

  4. Reagan said it best:  "Trust, but verify".

  5. Maybe as an act of trust, we should get rid of our Nukes too? I mean seriously, why do we even have them? We're never going to use them unless we want to blow up an asteroid or something.

  6. Trust but verify !

  7. Because unlike the deal the Clinton Administration made with North Korea back in the 1990's

    Bush followed the Regan maxum of,

    "" Trust, but Verify ""

    And part of the deal, is ongoing inspections by international and US inspectors.

    Free access to all nuclear sites,

    Full disclosure of all nuclear related reserch and work.

    So we are not just trusting them to keep thier word.

  8. No, they are communist. The quack that runs that joint is off his rocker. How could you possibly trust him?

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