
Can we use lightning as an alternative source of energy?

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The lightning emits huge amount of energy.Is there any means by which we can gather all the energy emitted?




  1. try to

  2. Lightning produces more nitrogen fertilizers than all the factories in the world. The ionization combines the nitrogen and oxygen of the atmosphere. The oxides of nitrogen dissolve in the rain, which usually accompanies the electric discharges, and fertilize the earth below non selectively.

    The electrical energy, though very high, cannot be harvested.

  3. it is too unpredictable as to where it will strike

  4. The problem is efficient storage. We can't at this point store large ammounts of energy efficiently, which is why power plants have to ramp up production at high demand times, rather that store up energy to be used later. Same deal with lightening.

  5. Despite lightning strikes having tremendous levels of voltage and current, the extremely short duration results in very little usable energy, if there was a way to capture it. By its very nature, lightning is a sudden, violent release of energy that would destroy any device designed to attempt it.

    Additionally lightning is unpredictable and setting up conductors would be a waste of resources as they would remain idle most of of their lives.

  6. we cannot control the weather ie temperature and rainfall so certainly cannot harness lightning

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