
Can wearing glasses make your vision worse?

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I dont wear glasses right now, I spend a lot of time in front of the computer and I think it is making my vision bad, it is hard for me to read the time on my microwave if I am not in the kitchen, but I can still do most things perfectly fine and feel normal, but if I get corrective glasses, will that make me dependent on them, like will it make me unable to see as good as now without them, because I dont want to become dependent on glasses, my parents dont want me to




  1. Glasses take getting used to at first, but it's worth it.  Your vision is not something you want to mess with!  Look at it this way: you might be OK dealing with failing vision right now, but what will happen in a month if you don't get glasses?  What about in a year if you don't get glasses?  You are straining your eyes by trying to focus on things you can't, which is making your vision even worse.  It might not be noticeable as it's happening, since you're so used to it.  Do you find yourself getting headaches the more you try to focus on things that are out of range?  That's a side effect that will go away with glasses.

    Yeah, for a few years I kept having to get stronger prescriptions.  But that happens because of your eyes - not the glasses.  In fact, my eyes have gotten better over that last few years.  My eye doctor said it's pretty common.  By wearing glasses however-often-you-need-them, you put a type of roadblock up so your vision stops getting worse.  The doctor did say it takes years for your vision to reverse itself, and start actually getting better.  BUT glasses do not make your vision worse - your eyes do.

    Sure, glasses can be annoying at times.  But most of the time, I don't even remember I have them on.  I'd much rather deal with the mild annoyance of glasses, than risk going blind or getting injured because I'm not wearing glasses at all.  If you're worried about how you'll look in glasses - don't!  There are so many great-looking frames out there now.  There's something for everyone's personality.  

    Do yourself, and your health, a favor - try the glasses for a year or so.  See how you feel once you get used to them.  If you still don't like glasses, you can invest in contacts or Lasik surgery.  But give the glasses a chance to help you like you should.

    I hope this answered your question and gives you a better idea of what to do.  The decision is yours, so make sure you choose something that works for you.  Good luck!

  2. No, wearing glasses does not make your vision worse. This is a myth. There are a ton of these - like "going outside with wet hair gives you a cold" Also false.

  3. yes

  4. If you have perscription glasses..from a Eye Doctor...then you should wear them..if they are not the correct strength..for example if they are older ones and you have not had a recent eye exam..your perscription strength may need to be changed..your best bet is to go see your doctor..and you can't control weather or not you will need to depend on glasses...this is out of your control...if you need them..then you need them...alot of ppl depend on glasses...go see your doctor :D

  5. yes it does at leat to me that is. i have wron glass for over 10 years and each time i go to the doctors i need a stronger prescription for my glass. it got so bad i now wear contacts. so im thinking of getting the laski done.

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