
Can wearing tight underwear cause lower back problems?

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Can wearing tight underwear cause lower back problems?




  1. you can believe the top contributor if you want, but no, firm undies will NOT cause back problems, just don't try and place 10 lbs of fat into a 5 lb to speak... just to be more comfortable  

  2. Tight clothing would only really affect your back if it affected your posture and the way you moved and walked due to its tightness if that makes any sense?  So really the answer is no, not directly, but it could affect your lower back indirectly as I mention above.

    In actual fact, tight underwear or a tight belt or jeans is more likely to affect the nerves that run from the front of your groin (femoral nerve and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve) which can resuly in thigh pain, numbness, burning and tingling.  The medically recognised name for this is Meralgia Paraesthetica.

    To be honest though, tight isnt very comfy is it?? Just get a nice comfy pair of "big pants" instead! Lol.

  3. Yes, tight clothing is bad for the circulation, it restricts the blood flow. Best of Luck  

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