
Can wearing your hair ina tight, side ponytail make you lose hair permanently and go bald?

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my wife is all over my youngest girl because she wears a tight side ponytail- says she will /is losing her hair permanently - I think it is silly- who's right?




  1. By wearing your hair in a very tight side ponytail you can suffer hair loss or your hair will thin out. I suggest using more hair-safe hairties and not put the pony tail as tight, just to stay in hair if thats the reason, you could always use hairties with stickers on the side to stick to your hair or a clip, and there are some hair friendly pony tail holders i have that are soft and good for your hair as well as tight enough to hold your hair for the day.

    here is some hair-friendly supplies

  2. you r right, it's silly.

  3. I wear my hair in a ponytail at the back and have done ever since I was young. I lose a lot of hair quite frequently but that is just because it is thick and I have too much. In my opinion the only difference that a tight bobble has made is if you wear it over a length of time it creates a wave in your hair. Which for me isn't too bad because I have wavy hair anyway. Just harder to straighten. :O)  

  4. Well, I thought that this was a silly thing to assume so I told me mom. Amazingly enough, if your daughter keeps wearing her hair that way, her hairline can recede. Encourage your daughter to wear a normal ponytail.  

  5. Theoretically she could... there's a form of hair loss known as traction alopecia which is caused by pulling to tightly on hair.

    Of course, this takes a veeerryy long time and the hair must be pulled back ridiculously tight, but just in case tell your youngest that she should change her hair style every so often (loose hair, barrettes etc) that way she can mantain her hair healthy and still look cute!

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