
Can weather bug harm my computer?

by Guest56934  |  earlier

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If I install weather bug can it cause harm to my pc?




  1. No, it's safe, but weather watcher is much better,it's free too.

  2. Weather Bug doesnt do anything "harmful" per say.

    It does intsall a lot of Adware onto your machine to monitor what you surf.  From what you surf, the Adware tries to send you advertisements.  All in all, this uses your most precious resources - Bandwidth, physical memory and CPU power.

    Better than anything running something as an individual process, I would install FireFox 3 (more secure than IE) and run an add in that pulls data from the Weather Channel.  

    This way, when you close firefox, it stops!  AND, it doesnt have any known Malware of any form!

  3. I would not suggest installing Weather Bug. When I installed it on my last PC, it brought with it a TON of spyware and ads. It's much better to just check the weather on Yahoo, Google, or your TV.

  4. just get Vista.  it has one built into the Sidebar.  works fine.

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