
Can weight gainers add to cause diabetes in a person - plz help?

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both of my friends parents have diabetes - i really dont want him to jeopardize his health - would taking a weight gainer raise the probability of getting diabetes?

Contents of the weight gainer:




  1. none of my parents had diabetes but someone on my mothers's family side had long as i was slim & doing exercise i was since one year i had put on weight & now i have type 2 diabetese.tell him not to put on weight at any cost.

  2. Type 2 Diabetes is most often caused by weight gain.  In effect, what happens is that the patient's pancreas cannot make enough insulin to supply that extra weight. So there is not enough insulin, and the blood sugars go up.  Losing weight will often reduce or elimiante this problem.

    CONVERSELY, any weight gain is going to make the diabetes worse.

    If your friend does not already have diabetes, but both of his parents do, then he may have inherited a "genetic predisposition" towards diabetes. As above, any weight gain might "set it off".

    He needs to see a doctor FIRST, before you try any of these "unauthorized" supplements.  The doctor should do blood tests for diabetes or "pre-diabtes", and also advise him if these supplements are safe in his case.

    WHATEVER the result, you both need to follow them.  if the doctor says NOT SAFE, then forget it.

    Diabetes is a serious disease.  It is almost 100% fatal.  It is not curable.  Once you have it, you can only control it.  The BEST option is to prevent it by watching your diet, maintain a proper weight, and get more exercise.

  3. Diebetes is not hereditary, just make sure checks are regularly made.


  4. It can only if he gain weight fast.

  5. Foods do NOT cause diabetes.  And type 2 is NOT caused by weight gain. Your friend has a greater risk of developing diabetes because both of his parents have it, so he has a 50 - 50 chance of developing the disease himself.  Genetics are the greatest cause of both types of diabetes.  When both parents have it, the % rate is great.  How ever, even though the weight gainer does have twice the carbs as a diabetic should have in one meal, your friend is not a diabetic, and he should be just fine.  This weight gainer has a lot of good vitamins and minerals that a person may not get from a regular diet.  I think your friend will be just fine.  Like I said, food does not cause diabetes

  6. I really discourage any of these supplements for anyone. Just eat a good balanced food plan and do your workouts. That will give you and your friend the best health plan available.

    I am having to be on corticosteroids and they have some very nasty side effects such as weight gain which I do not want. I have to be also on insulins and their very nastiest side effects are weight gain. Between the 2 medicines I am having a really tough time keeping the puffiness out of my bod!!

    I hate to see anyone taking anything that doesn't classify as a necessity. Just eat healthy and exercise! You will be the size and shape you are intended to be by your genetics.

  7. Gary B and Mama Smurf make great points...

    The pancreas can  run out of insulin...everytime you eat a carb, insulin is released.

    Genetics can be a huge factor, even if you do everything to prevent it.

    Weight training, and anaerobic exercise force cells to intake sugar. This is how body builders (who can weigh quite a bit for their height) can help prevent diabetes. They typically eat low carb, and because of the weight training, their muscles are constantly starved!  Exercise helps insulin work. Staying Hydrated and getting enough Omega 3 FA will help the cells stay permeable to aid insulin as well.

    Eating a lot of carbs drains the pancreas of insulin. Magnesium is needed to produce insulin in the pancreas.

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