
Can weight lifting possibly stunt your growth ? (read the whole ?)?

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I'm 15, 6', and 186 lbs.but according to my doctor I'm supposed to be at least my fathers height or taller and my father is around 2 or 3" taller then me (I just don't want to take any chances)

I know that weight lifting cant stunt it by doing light weights and keeping things safe but I bench around 300 lbs and squat 395 atm and i'm wondering if lifting too heavy of a weight as an individual can stunt your growth or lifting too heavy a weight in general, and yes i am making sure I do all the workouts right.

so 3 questions here...

1. do people mean lifting too heavy a weight in general or to the individual?

2.Is having a very intense workout for the individual able to stunt growth?

3. Can any kinds of protein bars/shakes or supplements stunt growth




  1. Lifting heavy wont stunt your growth. It is the biggest unsubstantiated myth about lifting weights there is.  Lifting INCORRECTLY and damaging your growth plates via an injury will stunt your growth.  Since you can bench press 300 pounds and squat 395, I think you know how to lift correctly, so dont worry about it.  You will grow to your full height, guaranteed.  

    Intense workouts will not stunt growth.

    NO protein bar, OR any food, will ever stunt your growth.

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