
Can white females wear these kind of shoes?

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I came across these earlier in the week when I was at a strip mall...

and I LOVED them.

But then my grandma was with me and called them 'n199er' shoes and she wouldn't let me buy them.

And I know what she means... I've only seen black people wear those type of shoes. But... couldn't a white person wear them too or would I look like a complete poser... or something?


NOTE: I have NOTHING against blacks, just the rest of my family does. And I would have bought them online but now I am sooo paranoid of other people thinking I might be trying to "look" black or something... and I mean the style that a lot of black people have, not their skin color lol.




  1. Not my style..

    But go for it..  

  2. yes normally they are usually worn by black females but obviously you love them so you could defiantly pull them off. don't care what anyone else has to say about you, wear what makes you feel good!!  

  3. of course you can wear them...

    they're kinda ugly though.

  4. no offense but your grandma doesnt know nuthin im not black and i have thos same shoes tell your family to stop being racist cuz honey, thats just rude and disrespectful!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I dont see the problem. It's a shoe. Buy it if you want.  

  6. Yeah, you can wear them.

    It doesn't matter if your white or black.

    If you like them, then you should wear them.

  7. hahaha thats helerious sorry ...who gives a rats as* what u where as long as u like it fuc* the haters..where wat ur comfortable whering it than u'll b fine =)

  8. your grandmas racist, kill her.

  9. ther spokespeople are white (vanessa hudgens, ashley tisdale, jojo). so why not wear em?

  10. I think that I should tell you that you are racist, whether you realize it or not. You can wear any shoes you want. If I wear Chucks does that mean I'm tring to look white? You do know that Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgens are both getting sponsered by Ecko, right?

  11. here is a picture of the designer of your shoes:

    you shouldn't care what others think about anything that has to do with you or how you want to dress or live your life or anything regarding you for that matter

  12. yeaa white people can wear them...actually my friend has them and she's like...rly eyah if u like them buy them =D

  13. 1. Your grandma probally didn't want to buy them cause of the price.

    2. There ugly.

  14. Wear what you want. Sorry about your racist grandma :( lol

    My dad is sometimes, but won't admit it.

    Anyway, I've seen white girls wear them. Personally, I don't like them, but there's nothing wrong with them :)

    By the way, Vanessa Hudgens isn't the person who said that.

  15. Those are cute, my friend has them.

    You can't judge a shoe by who wears it.

    Wear them if you like them.

    If other people don't like it, who cares.

    You don't live to please them. =)

    hope i helped.

  16. The least of your worries should be what type of shoes to wear. What's up with that family of you'res??....that's the real quiestion!!!

  17. i seen plenty of white people wear them in my skewl so buy them if you really like them!

  18. i think it is ok

  19. get the pink/black ones they are wayy cuter

  20. you DEFINITELY can wear those!! it doesn't matter what ethnicity u are, as long as the shoes are cute, and personally, i think those r ;)

  21. Buy them if you want to buy them, however once you've bought them do you plan to hide them from your grandmother or just walk around and listen to her comments about the shoes. I don't think that shoes or clothes are made for a particular race, it just happens that a lot of people from that ethnicity like them too. Even if they were what your grandmother called them you loved them so get them if you think they'll look nice.

  22. first of all your grandmother is an old fool and yes you can wear them their cute.. please don't let your idiot parents influence your your own person

  23. They're fine. Get them.

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