
Can wisdom teeth be pulled with just propofol?

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I am having all 4 wisdom teeth out with iv sedation and I do not want ANY side effects from the sedation. I work in a surgery center and have been told that the propofol is what knocks you out. I was also told that the fetanyl is what makes you forget and decreases pain. I do not care about pain at all. I cannot stand not being myself, and therefore do not take any medicines ever. Can they pull the wisdom teeth with just propofol? Also, will they adjust dosages if I explain how sensitive I am to medication and consider the fact that I probably won't have any food in me for days before? (I'm getting sick every time I even think about being sedated-fear of loss of control, trusting strangers w/my body, fear of after effects of medication)




  1. This is a question for the doctors in the Surgery Center where you work.....

  2. I had the same issue, and i had all four of my teeth out on Monday.  The idea of being put to sleep does not sit right with me, so I asked my oral surgeon not to be put fully to sleep and he did a "twilight" sedation, where i was still "awake" during the surgery.  I do not remember much about the surgery, but i woke up quickly, and was capable of walking on my own within 20 minutes.  I also managed to get myself up my stairs and into my bed without help or nausea.

    I went in at 8:30, was done by a little before nine, got home at 9:30 ish, and was up and walking and feeling fine (granted, in some pain and hungry as h**l) by 3pm.  Tuesday I had a friend of mine take me for a walk (since at that point it had still been less than 24 hours since i had taken the prescribed pain medication and couldn't drive, but i was antsy and bored) and he told me was talking coherently, if slower and softer than I usually speak.  I also was not swollen.  Yesterday, i had sushi and ate it VERY carefully but still was able to eat it.  Today, my jaw is a little stiff but i am completely recovered.

    So, here's my suggestion to you:  Tell yourself you're going to be fine, you're going to recover quickly and that all is well.  I took two of the 16 prescribed pain medications, both on Monday.  I also do not like the idea of taking pain meds that mess you up, so i took them only as necessary. (you're going to want them the first day, but once i slept overnight, my head was clear and i was able to handle the dull throbbing.)  Since then, I've taken two ibuprofen every 6 hours or so just to ease some of the tenderness but it has not been painful.  Do be sure to take your antibiotics however, they shouldn't mess with you too badly.  If anything, they might tamper with your G.I. track, so eat some yogurt.

    Just remind yourself that you WILL be fine.  Give yourself a goal like: After the surgery, i want to be up and about by ___.  The next day, i want to ___.  Then ensure that it happens.

  3. Yes, you can do it with just propofol but when it wears off (it has a half life of 10secs which means it wears off in a matter of minutes) you will wake up and feel the pain...I've worked with propofol many times in the past...After having those teeth pulled you will WANT something for the pain when you wake up....

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