
Can women be feminists and still maintain a level of femininity?

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is the use of feminiinty a sign of weakness to our demands?




  1. I seriously doubt it.  My mother in law is a hard-working feminist and she doesn't have a scrap of femininity in her.  She's quite masculine in her demeanor.  She was the 'man of the family' when my husband was growing up.  She married a mild-mannered man who was quite happy to let her take on the lions share of the household and financial responsibilities.   I am nothing like her.  My husband didn't want that manly quality in a wife.  I'm quite "girly" actually and I am not a feminist, however I believe in equal respect for our differences and positive contributions.

  2. yes, physically they can still be feminine, but mentally they will not be purely feminine.

  3. well.... there are different levels of "feminists"

    -The raaaaaaaaaaaging d**e feminist, demanding respect from men "the other species" because all they know is that men are these dirty things that want to see there dirty parts - and thats icky

    -The feminist, (sexual prefrence can go anywhere) They just belive in respect for women, equal rights, blah blah, and burn down strip joints and ****... usualy ugly

    &&&&&& last but not least, my favorite

    -The ♥average girl♥ feminist, attracted to men, belive in eual rights but enjoy looking pretty and usually excepting (TO A CERTAIN DEGREE) of how society has looked at women for the past thousands of years, but hey, its the 21st centry, and after all women are people too

  4. *sigh* yes, feminists can be feminine.

    Holy h**l.

    You know what's hilarious? All the sadly misinformed women on this board... "I would NEVER call myself a feminist. I just want women to have equal rights."

    YOU ARE A ******* FEMINIST. Get a CLUE.

    What do you people think we are? Do you think we dress in robes and sacrifice men and have a cannibals communion on the High Holy Days? Jesus Christ how did people get to be so flippin IGNORANT.

  5. what is a femnist? Is it a type of plant? Plants can't be femine.

  6. I think so but there's all kinds of feminists from the women of the ku klux klan to the ones who flew over the cooku's nest in the 80s. It was originally started by the kkk where they would preach about the blacks trying to rape them but the modern movement was founded by some hippy anarchists in the 60s who couldn't agree on what they wanted so it split in the 70s  then the ACLU made the government let a bunch of people out of the insane assylum in the 80s so you have women who call themselves feminists and go around preaching hate.

  7. Yes. A lot of strippers (and some p**n stars) are self-described feminists.

  8. Feminists are less likely to be feminine than most women.  They tend to reject femininity, arguing that it's not natural, rather a social construct.

  9. So you're saying if you're a feminist you are not allowed to be feminine? So you think only qualities that are considered weak are feminine? So does that mean masculinists can not be masculine? And that qualities that are masculine are only strong? So if you are proud of your gender you cannot show any signs of what your gender is? Does any of that make sense? No? Then why ask it?

  10. I just can't wait for this; you're pulling someone's leg.

  11. What is your idea of femininity?

  12. yes, cos they still wear skirts, make-ups and high heels.

  13. Usually no. Ironically, being a feminist usually means a low level of femininity.

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