
Can women fight in the front line in the Israeli army?

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Are women allowed to fight in the front line in the Israeli army? I heard that they could, but I also heard that they couldn't.

Thanks. :)




  1. Ican't speak for the IDF.  I can speak for women in combat.  If you have ever had one doing their best to blow you into heaven you would be afraid of them.

    There is nothing on earth more viscious than a female with full conviction and a gun.

    Soft and frail?  TTT I'm amazed to hear you talk like that.

    One thing is for sure.  You aren't married and probably didn't have sisters.

    I could tell you a real funny story about a couple of girls that thought they had found themselves in a combat situation, but it would take too long.  email if you want to hear it.  No blood.

  2. Women are weak and soft, their body nature and creature is actually unsuitable for hard work of wars and army .. you see.

    I should inform that zionist authority " violates" the women rights by pushing them into Wars .. They should be SHAMED !

    Israel doesn't have ENOUGH MEN  that's why they push women into army .. thanks God I am not  under the zionist authority, i was going to feel so shamed !!!


    EDIT : Mr .JD, Pardon me .. i just tell the truth.

  3. I don't see a reason why not.

  4. Some roles - yes. Others - no.

    We have women pilots, which demands a combat soldier training.

  5. Yes, there are 3 female IDF paramedics who serve in Gaza, they treat wounded soldiers and Palestinians under fire.

    That's just one example.

  6. of course they can

  7. Women fight all the time in the Israeli army.

  8. yes, they can if they want to

    and ttt- u dont even know the truth- if the israeli army is so weak how did it win the independence day, 6 day and yom kippur wars? how is such a small, "weak" country surviving? and nobody is forced into combat- obviously a small country needs a draft (in war, even big countries do, so this isn't anything strange or unfair) but a desk job is always an option

  9. Yes they do, but not many of them

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