
Can women really change men?

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I mean, I'm reading all these posts and women are saying they can change their men. What make a woman think she can change her man? Do women really have the power to change their men?

I'm a guy and if I had a girlfriend, there's no way I would let her try to change me or my decisions.




  1. Why would you want to change anyone is what I want to understand?? Why not just find the perfect person suited to you? Why bother, if you find someone who is almost the same as you why bother to change anyone>

    Instead of people trying to change anyone, why don't people look for what they want? I don't get it.

  2. Sure. I had a husband once who thought it was all about him, so I "changed men" and now I have a great guy who does half the housework and child care, is a great lover and a wonderful guy.

  3. Yes, they can and do and will. However, they cannot change this sick society that they have fostered.

  4. You can try compadre, but girls will inevitably change your behavior and demeanor.  That's just the way it is.  Good part is we can change them too, that's the way a relationship works, even if some people don't like it.

  5. yes

  6. In any relationship which is meaningful there will be a certain amount of change in both partners to adjust to each others differing opinions.If the change is impossible for either parties they invariably split.If a person resists change just for the sake of proving he is supeior rather than because of genuinely disagreeing on some issue and makes a blanket statement that i wont let my girlfriend change my decisions, then such a relationship is doomed to fail

  7. Answer to your question is NO. Only way one person can change another is the other is willing to change on they own.

    A old saying: "You can't teach a pig to sing, you only wasting your time and annoying the pig."

  8. You see it is possible for a woman to change a man, if the man really loves the woman he will do anything to make sure he can please the other. I have a friend who falls into this category who has changed himself numerous times for the woman.

  9. You can't change anyone who doesn't want to change themself, at least not permanently.  If a person changes for someone else, then they're eventually going to come to resent that other person because they're doing something that makes them unhappy.

  10. I think both men and women can influence their significant others decisions to where it would seem like he or she would be changing the other person, but no, I don't think any one person has the ability to change another person. You can only influence a person, and a person can only be influenced if they let you.

    I think the problem with most women (i'm a woman so i'm allowed to say this) today is that they feel the need to change their man. I hear so many guys on here complaining about why "nice guys finish last". The answer to that is simply because if the guy starts out as perfect, the female has nothing to change about him. A female likes to feel like she had an impact on her mans life and by "changing him" i think it gives the female peace of mind.

    but that's just my humble opinion :)

  11. It works both ways but in general no one can change people, you are who you are, some behaviour could be changed if its little like leaving tea bags on the side or something as example but deeper stuff you cant. If someone doesnt like you for who you are then they arent the right person for you, thats my experience anyhow

  12. No one can change another person-I think that is one of the most destructive myths-it can only lead to heartache. I have no idea why you'd want to change someone if you really loved them. I love my partner totally-we've been honest about our good points and not-so-good points-and both make us the unique individuals we are. If you wanted someone just like yourself-why not just stay alone if you think you're so great?

  13. No.

    They think they can, but deep down inside the guy is just doing what they say so he doesn't have to sleep on the couch every night.

  14. Depends on the change regardless, mainly because both of you have to compromise and work together to make teh relationship work....that's just the way it two are different and when you try to become one unit get conflict.  So with compromise you end up changing your lifestyle.

    Also, since you live with that person, (for married folks), you tend to gain their habits and adapt to suddenly you start doing things your significant other does....kinda wild but it DOES happen.

    NOW..if you mean to say they change men to what THEY want in a man....then cannot change a man into your stud-muffin.....not gonna happen.  There is no such thing as a perfect man...and in most cases you can't control anyone to make them love you a certain way or heed your every command.  THat's where they fail when it comes to 'changing someone' you can compromise and work with someone to change their habits or ways to accomodate each other..but you can NEVER change them to love you a certain way.  Men can't read minds, and they don't just change their personality cause the woman wants it that way.

    So do women really change men..yes...but we change EACH OTHER...and it's our habits and way of life.

    DO women change men or 'mold them' to what THEY want....for the weak ones...maybe..but it won't be genuine...and for all else.....h**l no.

    I'm still the goofy kid at heart that's lazy and my wife will never be able to change that....she tries...but she fails...constantly....but she has changed me into a better person, and how to accomodate her moods :).

  15. Sometimes they can change the weaker ones.  Otherwise they lie to themselves and tell themselves they can so they have a nice excuse to stay with a total bag.

  16. Ha i changed many men in my life,because i have something they want and if they don't do what i want or like then they have to change in order to get it.

  17. Usually it is men with security and ego problem who have problem with giving some respects to their women's opinions and advices.  How can you say that everything your girlfriend say would be wrong, unless of course you can only find b*****s.

    We aren't trying to change men, we are just trying to make things better.  If you dont like it, leave the relationship.

  18. maybe.... but we shudent have to....  evry1 nos men are big babies... but u shud be old enuf to change ur own diepers....

  19. I think females like to think that their wonderful personalities and charming ways can change a man but I am here to tell you that it just isn't possible.  Ladies...your man is his own person and can't be changed.  Sure, we might change a little here and a little there at first.  They might be doing what we want.  But eventually the charade will fade and he will be who he has always been.  I think this is the single biggest mistake women make.  If men truly want to change they will do it on their own.  We can't force them.  I think males try to change when the women in their lives suggest the changes.  We want  our relationships to work out and we all think this is for the best.  But eventually the mask drops and we end up not knowing or even liking the real person behind it.  A sad reality for many.  I have lost some faith in unions between man and woman and wonder how so many people make it so many years.

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