
Can working out make you heavier?

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I'm 17 122 5'2 (yes I know I'm a little... lot short) but not the point I started working out about a month ago and I've GAINED 7 pounds...Not that it's a bad thing but I want my 115 back without losing my muscle so I can get my speed back, I'm fast but still...what should I do?




  1. It depends on what you mean by "working out."  If you are lifting weights or using dumbbells at all, heck yes, it can.  Muscle is heavier than fat.  And even doing aerobic stuff will also increase your leg muscles and make them heavier.

    Everybody's metabolism is different.  But for me, I have found that working out might help me get toned or stronger.  But if I really want to lose weight, the key to that for me is diet.

  2. duh cuz you gained muscle. muscle weighs more than fat. its normal to gain weight after working out for a while.

  3. If youer building musscle you will gain weight! Muscle weighs much more than fat so you should be gaining weight. If it is fat that you have recently noticed you may want to watch your eating. When you workout your body gets hungry so people tend to eat too much after working out. You might want to try Muscle Milk at your local GMC to help gain weight muscle not fat, however it has a large amount of protien which is excellent for muscle gain but can make you gain lots of weight if you dont work out on a regular basis. Goodluck!

  4. Of course muscle weighs more than fat. I really am stumped as to tell ya what to do as far as maintaining speed. When I  was underweight I could run like the wind, smoked like a chimney and had no muscle and was unhealthy. Now that I quit smoking I am healthier and have more weight on I would drop dead if I ran, so I do not know what to tell ya.  

  5. well theres no possible way to gain muscle mass without gaining weight

  6. it does not work that way, muscle adds mass and therefore weight. If you begin losing weight, you will lose muscle also.

  7. First of all, pound for pound, muscle and fat weigh the same.  However, if you have the same volume of muscle and fat, the muscle would weigh more because it is denser.  If you have only been working out for a month, what you probably gained was water weight (fluid retention) in you muscles which is used by the muscles to repair the small tears that occur when working out.  You should drink more water to help flush the excess out and you should see your weigh drop back down a little.

  8. do you eat after you work out

  9. Gaining muscle = Gaining weight.  Muscle has weight.

  10. if your building muscle, muscle weighs more than fat

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