
Can yoga be good for long distance runners and trithaletes?

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my knees became sore after running for about 2 wks straight running with old sneakers and running on the street. i figured out these were the likley causes of my pain and tried to fix all these. i got some good running shoes, stopped running every single day, but still ran on the street(i didnt have a soft surface to run on). after my runs i had stiff knees and experienced knee pain when squating. i think it is proably from the street but im not going to run anymore until i go the the doctor next week to make sure my pain isnt anything serious. but im wondering if making myself more flexible by taking up yoga (after i start running again) will help me prevent future injury and not make me more sore. please asnwer and thanks!




  1. Nice mindset! Yes, absolutely, yoga will make you more flexible. You'll enjoy your running activity, and you'll be more energetic to continue your running.

    By the way, you can find this free yoga relaxation e-course useful for you:


  2. yes

  3. Here is a great website. Check it out if you want to:

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