
Can you Basketball, Football and Volley Ball at the same time While Fasting?

by  |  earlier

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I remember Last year me and my Friends had planned this It was the second of Ramzan and we played for six hours straight ( After fajr prayer till noon)




  1. i just played Basketball at school, it was fun!!LOL  

  2. Not only can I basketball, football and volleyball!

    I can also baseball, hockey ball, rounders ball, rugby ball, cricket ball and hairy ball all while fasting!

    Did I mention that I can hairy ball?

  3. yh why not. I exercises everyday even during Ramadan. Whats up with people these days making Ramadan seem so difficlut.

  4. no way man

    well, i believe you, i just cant do it myself.

  5. can you rub your head and pat your stomach at the same time while saying "rubber baby-buggy bumpers"?

    seriously though, I could, it's not that difficult the food and drink part.

    I suppose if it's too hot and you sweat too much it could be dangerous though. you could get heat stroke.

    @Hope - what in the world is hairy ball?

    edit: I tried to Google it and I got some extremely offensive websites.

  6. At the same time? Naw, man das impossible. You can't even do that when you aren't fasting. Mate, do you mean after each other?

  7. It's possible i hear of young men and boys playing football n such during Ramadan, i can imagine you would get very tired by the end of it though.

    I would think someone who is able to withstand a long period of time would be someone with allot of stamina and can reserve energy pretty well.

  8. no i cant, and no i dont want to try or do it, cause i get thirsty just sitting down doing nothing

  9. lol safiy i tried that..couldnt do it =S

    no i cannot baseketball, football and volleyball at the same time while fasting, i cant even do it when i'm not fasting! lol  

  10. if Allah (swt) can give u the strength to fast then why not to play sports while u fast.

    anything is posible if Allah (swt) wills.


    and no i'd rather play cricket and football while i fast  

  11. Islam never asked you to stop your normal day-to-day activities while performing "as-sowum". The main objective of fasting is to promote understanding and to raise our concern on those who live with disadvantage backgrounds. Those who don't have food to eat, don't have shelter to stay, and don't have minimum capacity of necessities. During the day, we still need to go to work and during the evening, we are encourage to increase our "ibadah". Do remember that, working to raise yourself and family is an ibadah and we must opt to work in a "halal" way. Studying and "riadah" or sports are ibadah too as Islam encourage Muslims to study and lead a healthy life. You may play, you may work, you may study, but please have your own limit as to avoid you from dehydrated. Enjoy fasting !!!  

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