
Can you Fix/rate my removal deck?

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[42 Cards Total]

Monsters: [20]

x2 Caius the Shadow Monarch

Mobius the Frost Monarch

Evil Hero Infernal Gainer

Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight

Gren Maju Da Eiza

x3 D.D. Survivor

D.D. Warrior Lady

D.D. Scout

Bazoo the Soul-Eater

x3 Banisher of the radiance

x2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Chaos Rider Gustaph

x2 Dimensional Alchamist

Traps [11]

x2 Macro Cosmos

x2 Magic Drain

Chain Destruction

Return from the Different Dimension

Ordeal of a traveler

Introduction to Gallantry

Torrential Tribute

Karma Cut


Spells [11]

x2 Dimensional Fissure

Enemy Controller

Chaos End

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Tribute to the Doom

Card Destruction

Hammer Shot

D.D.R. Different Dimension Reincarnation

so rate it 1-5 and comment on how good it currently is and what I might need to add/remove, ty.

I was also wondering if adding x3 Needle worm is good or is it's effect negated.




  1. right now i would rate it a 3 also. but I would suggest some different changes.

    Monsters: 21

    Caius the Shadow Monarch

    Mobius the Frost Monarch

    Cyber Dragon x2

    Gren Maju Da Eiza

    D.D. Survivor x3

    D.D. Warrior Lady

    D.D, Assailant

    D.D. Scout Plane

    Bazoo the Soul-Eater x2

    Banisher of the Radiance x2

    Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2

    Dimensional Alchemist x2


    Spirit Reaper

    Spells: 11

    Dimensional Fissure

    Chaos End

    Heavy Storm

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Smashing Ground

    Hammer Shot

    D.D.R. Different Dimension Reincarnation

    Monster Reborn

    Brain Control


    Shield Crush

    Traps: 8

    Macro Cosmos x2

    Dust Tornado

    Mirror Force

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Bottomless Trap Hole x2

    Torrential Tribute

    The reason I would remove 1 caius for a mobius is because mobius can destroy up to 2 cards versus 1. Giving you a better advantage despite it not removing anything from play. Also in the trap section I would take out the magic jammers, I know they came in handy in a pinch to try to spare your macro cosmos, but I wouldnt support it becuase you lose 2 cards and your opponent only looses 1. Same theory applies to tribute to the doomed. Instead use cards like Smashing Ground and Shield Crush to kill monsters on a 1:1 ratio! I think you will see that this modification of your decklist provides good monster/magic/trap ratio's, and will prove successful. I hope this helped, and if you have any questions as to why I made any changes/rating I did just ask! ^_^

  2. 3/10

    I'm going to go section by section and sort of modify

    at the end I'll post a deck list

    The basic removal deck has lost most of it's win condition with the banning and limiting of dimfus and Return from the DD, I'm going to make you a Macro Monarch Deck ^_^

    Monsters: [20]

    x2 Caius the Shadow Monarch (one More)

    Mobius the Frost Monarch (MAYBE one more)

    Evil Hero Infernal Gainer (NO)

    Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight ( if you summon it with its effect it counts as a normal summon...and it is a bad card...if you have an empty hand an any point you are most likely screwed:P...oh and take it out)

    Gren Maju Da Eiza (in removal macro Monarch no.)

    x3 D.D. Survivor

    D.D. Warrior Lady

    D.D. Scout (1 more)

    Bazoo the Soul-Eater (read his effect and tell me if it makes sense to combine this card with dimensional fissure and Macro Cosmos...take it out)

    x3 Banisher of the radiance (maybe only one)

    x2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (you have better choices in Macro Monarch)

    Chaos Rider Gustaph(HORRID CARD)

    x2 Dimensional Alchamist (not that it's just not too needed in Macro Monarch

    Spells [11]

    x2 Dimensional Fissure

    Enemy Controller

    Chaos End(NO)

    Heavy Storm

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Tribute to the Doom(BAD card)

    Card Destruction (nah)

    Hammer Shot(not too necessary)

    D.D.R. Different Dimension Reincarnation(one more)

    Traps [11]

    x2 Macro Cosmos (one more)

    x2 Magic Drain (nah)

    Chain Destruction(NO)

    Return from the Different Dimension(not too needed...this deck has other methods of winning))

    Ordeal of a traveler((ABYSMAL card)

    Introduction to Gallantry(NO)

    Torrential Tribute

    Karma Cut(nah)

    Waboku (nah...threatening roar is cooler/better.)


    3 caius the shadow monarch

    2 thestalos the firestorm monarch

    1 mobius the frost monarch

    3 d.d survivor

    3 gravekeepers spy

    2 cyber dragon

    2 d.d scout plane

    1 morphing jar

    1 spirit reaper

    1 gravekeepers guard

    1 Exiled Force


    2 dimensional fissure

    2 lightning vortex

    2 d.d.r different dimension reincarnation

    2 soul exchange

    2 reinforcement of the army

    1 fires of doomsday

    1 smashing ground

    1 mst

    1 heavy storm

    1 brain control


    3 macro cosmos

    3 Solemn Judgement

    1 Trap dustshoot

    It's at 42 so you could trim off two cards if you like...I'm just fond of 42 because of the whole Hitchhiker's Guide thing^_^

    Hope this Helped!

  3. It would be a 3,

    Monsters: 21

    Caius the Shadow Monarch x2

    Evil Hero Infernal Gainer x2

    Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight

    Gren Maju Da Eiza x2

    D.D. Survivor  x3

    D.D. Warrior Lady

    D.D. Scout

    Bazoo the Soul-Eater x2

    Banisher of the Radiance x2

    Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2

    Chaos Rider Gustaph

    Dimensional Alchemist x2

    Spells: 12

    Dimensional Fissure x2

    Enemy Controller

    Chaos End

    Heavy Storm

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Tribute to the Doom

    Card Destruction

    Hammer Shot

    D.D.R. Different Dimension Reincarnation

    Monster Reborn

    Traps: 6

    Macro Cosmos x2

    Magic Jammer x2

    Mirror Force

    Sakuretsu Armor

  4. 3/5 if you run macro and dimensional run grand convergence it blows up their and they lose 300lp

    then you set macro again and activate next turn

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This question has 4 answers.


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