
Can you Get high on MucinexDM extra strength by cutting off the dxm part of the tablet and only taking that??

by  |  earlier

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i just got a bottle of it and wanted to feel a more intense triple c's high so would that work or not?




  1. wow.

  2. That part of the pill isnt the only part with that med in it.  Never mess with drugs when you dont know what you are doing and you clearly dont.

  3. Wtf is wrong with you?  Just buy some gel caps that contain only DXM.  They're cheap and plentiful.

    In any event, you shouldn't make assumptions about the distribution of chemicals in a pill.  The exception is when a pill has notches, which indicates that the active ingredients are evenly distributed.

  4. What are you talking about cutting the pill? The medication is the same through out the entire tablet.  

    If you don't want more productive coughs to break up chest congestion, then don't touch it.  


  5. its a good way to kill yourself.  lay off the pills.

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