
Can you Help me Please :(?

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OK So school starts on Monday. I havn't heard from my Friend since her birthday (Start of August). I Have rang her since that once and asked If she wanted to go bowling or Have a sleepover, but she said she was busy with these 2 other friends (One of my friends in my class and one in another class). I'm scared she won't be speaking to me when I go into school. I know yall will say ring her but I'm scared of her. Shes a complete fake friend and I don't have any other friends. Please don't say make new friends because that aint an option for me. I don't know what to do. :( I hate school... Help please :(




  1. you must have other friends to hang with .i don't understand why you can't hang with them too.if she is not a true friend why do you want to hang with her .try to join with them .call her and be interested in what they are doing ,even if you are not and see what they are doing .it's just a thing they are doing through if they don't want to hang with you .just be patient if you got lots of time, she will be back ,just keep trying ,and you do need to find more friends .there is nothing wrong with finding more friends .think of it like the more friends you have the more popular you get.

    please stay in school it's in your best interest ,not sure what you want to do, when you are done school for a job ,but maybe that is some thing you should be thinking about .and go after your dream job ,and don't say you can't because that's not and option .because you can and don't give up. A friend. good luck

    let my know how it goes e-mail me .

  2. try talking to her when u go into school and see what up.

  3. Well, if your only friend is a completely fake friend, then you're in trouble. Having a friend that's fake won't do you any good but make you unhappy and bring trouble into your life. You should just stop being friends with her, it looks like she's got friends of her own and just really doesn't want to be around you, and she looks like she's really hoping that you'd just "Get a clue," and stop calling her. You have to make new friends, you can't just be "antisocial" for the rest of your life and have ONE friend. It's not that hard, be nice, introduce yourself, and learn some things about you and that new friend, then you've got yourself a topic starter and a new friend you can learn more about. Hope this helps (:

  4. sorry but making new friends has to be an option

  5. you can ring her to at least find out whats going on...because lets just say she doesnt want to be friends with you anymore...then it will be better said over the phone than in front of a lot of ppl at school. and dont suck up to her either..just b/c she is your only friend and you may be afraid to loose her friendship, doesnt mean you have have to follow in her footsteps.

    good luck

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