
Can you Help me with sleeping problems for 11-12 year old children?

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My daughter doesn't have any problem with falling to sleep but when she goes to sleep it takes her a while and then she wake up at 2:00am and then she can't go back to bed.Then i tell her to close her eyes and she listen and does close her but, she will be laying there for hours and won't go back to bed. I am thinking it is something with my other children but i asked her and she said "no i don't care if they late because when school starts they won't be able to go to bed at the right time." Please help me out. Is there a child pill that can put them to bed for the whole night and also be healthy for them? Oh and she is a girl.




  1. My oldest son is 15 now. We have had sleeping issues with him for about 2 years. It will work itself out. Try giving her something quite to do so that she does not wake the household. I just do my best for him. I understand because I am a natural night owl myself.

  2. Geez. You don't want to be putting her on pills. Try putting a drop of majorum essential oil on each side of her pillow (in case she turns over.) It does wear off after a few hours, so she may need to reapply it if she wakes in the night. It's no cure all, but I've found it to help enormously with my insomnia, ditto for my sister and grandmother. It'll only work if she likes the smell though. That's why lavender doesn't work for me. It's nice, but irritates me on some level. You ought to be able to find it in a health food shop or a pharmacy. Otherwise you may have to find an aromatherapist.

  3. Well, being a hyper kid, that's really one big problem.  But then, since she could not sleep after 2AM, you better give here something to work on... Like drawing, painting and even reading a book.  I am sure, before her work is done, she'll be off to bed. But then before giving her this activity, be sure to give her lukewarm glass of milk.

    Take care and GOD BLESS THE CHILD :)

  4. there are these homeopathy pills for kids called Calm Forte, its basically chamomile pills that melt in the mouth insatntly., it helps. sleepytime tea is good too

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