
Can you INTERPET this incredible dream, if so you will get 10 points ?

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Hello. How are you today ? I just had a dream about my ex

girlfriend. She was lying in a hospital bed, at about noonday.

It looked like one of those old fashioned rooms that you see

in the classic movies from the 1950's. Anway, the dream was

in color. She had on hospital clothes, and was under a cover

up to her waist. And beside her, there was a little girl. Her

daughter. This little girl was so beautiful, and it is the same

girl I keep seeing in my dreams. She has olive skin, curly

black hair, and light brown eyes. She had her hair in the

2 ties on the side. You know like an airplane with wings.

Yeah like that. No bows though, just ties. She wore a

sundress with red flowers on it, I was so taken by what

I saw. She said mommy when you get out, will you read me

a book. And my ex said yes. The girl said you promise,

she said yes honey. I promise. AND that was the end

of the dream. What do you think ? Is this a sign ?




  1. Firstly, do enable your self with an applied understanding as to what is Dream... A DREAM is a "Product Present" of the Sub-Consciousness ; The World of Gross Consciousness.

    All that we do, feel, think, act, activate in the Cognitive routines of our daily life & livings... all does get stored & deposited in our quantum-world of memory as a part of Mind as a Cognitive process, but may be at a admix of Cognitive Consciousness OR Non-Cognitive / Gross Consciousness STATE.

    The functionary process of remembering the do's, feels, thoughts and or acts & action... in a deep stage of asleep as a cognitive essence been depicted to be understood and remembered as a happening being forwarded by the Gross Consciousness... is what we address as Dream.

    Secondly, in laconic words from world of Semiology... Science of Attribution... This dream of yours establishes a value-added faith that your so-called Ex-Girlfriend is in a Good state of Health, having a Productive & Prolific Gains may be after few strides & struggles, within the purview of a harmonic Living...  if she is already a mother to a Child.

    Otherwise, if she is recently married... this dream accounts to your affectionate concern for her, that spells its own volume of an inherent feel that definitively signals a Mis-hap... may be she is pregnant, and as such Mis-carraige would take place...  If in touch, must intimate your concernity... concern of yopur spiritual love OR atleast offer self to appeal Divine to confer Best Grace to Her, ahead ...always  

    Never knows... whose VOICE as a Vibrational Energy reports the Divine Doors, to be appealingly choosen from the text of our Prayers, as a Conferements to be the bestows Beatitude for the Loved / Concerned Ones  ~amen ~

  2. Interpreting dreams is basically just acting as a film critic, a dream is nothing more than a movie played in your head by your subconscious. It is not an attempt to tell you something, nor should it be misinterpreted as any useful advice. Dreams are just movies, nothing more, nothing less, reading into them to much will cause far more confusion than you would ever imagine.

    We KNOW dreams are nothing to be read into, we know this because we can alter WHAT we dream about. That's right, we can change what we dream based on what we think right before we go to sleep. We can change what we dream in a scientifically controlled atmosphere. IE, anything you dream comes directly from your conscious mind, therefore dreams (while entertaining) are not telling you anything you don't already know.

  3. I, not bad thanks. Sometimes dreams are just a way to ease our mind, maybe you have been wondering how is everything going with her and her child....I had once a dream like that after breaking with my ex, I was told inmy dream i was about to die and i could just go around to say good bye to my beloved people. I remember mom taking me around to my grandma and then my ex. For me it mean to close that cycle and recognize the relationship was ended.

  4. Sad to say the other people had the right idea but never kept in mind that dream interpretations can be anything. Books of dream interpretations can be extremely off.

    From dreams I've found the meaning to, I think your dream can be decoded like this:

    The hospital scene could signify anything from illness to accidents, and so on. So the hospital could mean anything! But basically I think your dream could be telling you something. My dream told me once that I was going to win an award that I was sure I wasn't. Next day sure enough I was handed an award. Life works in crazy ways and depending on what you believe, whether it be god, gods, goddess, etc. if you truly believe they maybe givign you a sign.

    This dream could mean your ex is sent to the hospital, though dreams can have both literal and hypothetic meanings. The hospital might stand for something or she might actualyl be in a hospital.

    The little girl, her description probably doesn't really relate, your mind just drifted into detail more than likely, but anyway she probably relates to a sub conscious of your ex, if not like I said she could literally be your ex's kid.

    So basically you might need to warn your ex later on in the future, you never know. Dreams work in weird ways but usually correspond to worry, fear, happiness, sadness, etc. It all depends on how you look at the dream.

  5. Well, the ex-girlfriend stands for your hopes for your lovelife, and her being ill symboliseses that you have unresolved issues with her. Noon symbolises your ego, or how you want hers to see you as. The daughter represents a mistake you maybe made in the relationship, your reluctance to let go of the past, and possible immaturity. Her hair being in plaits means that she plays an active part in your subcouncious, which is supported by her reccuring appearance. The dress is about how she feels about herself, and the flowers mean that her personality is still maturing. The book stands for memories, maybe of you, since it's your dream. To me, it seems like maybe you have unresolved issues with your ex. Maybe she means more to you than it appears, if you're dreaming of her with a small child, and the connection of memories...?

  6. hospital bed = support

    your ex = things or people you can't leave behind

    the little girl = reminder, attention seeking

    First of all, i do not know your background about the relationship with your ex.  it is not easy to interpret.  However, from what I read about your dream. It seems like you have some regret conscience,.  This little girl basically symbolizes things you want attention from.  In other words, the ex in the hospital bed symbolizes support you are looking.  You may be into some sort of relationship or you want to get back into the past relationship.

    Your ex being in the hospital bed symbolizes some helpless conscience you may have.  The little girl in other aspect symbolizes some reminder or regret conscience you had.  In other words, you may be feeling guilty about the break up. Projecting the girl, the hospital and your ex may just remind you of things you feel you have missed and regret in reality.

  7. i have a dream interpretation book and dreaming of a hospital means --misery....and dreaming of a beautiful girl means - increase in business affairs...and the dress means...many worries will soon pass... dreaming of a loved one being a patient in a hospital means...hopes of good business.

  8. I see my prediction was right for the most part.

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